Sunday, December 30, 2007

Sunday Afternoon Images

It was suggested that I take some pictures on my walk or hike today, or where ever I went. So, I did. The one picture with all of the blue is a coven of crow or raven. There were about 20 or so that were flying in a pattern over the neighborhood today. The other birds are local doves. Then of course there is Nikita, and a little bit of back yard grass and rock.

The Simplicity of Zen................

Here are pictures of the corner of our patio. The three white rocks have been gathered from our backyard. I love how bright and beautiful they are. The extremely complex, yet seemingly simple - Julia Campbell would call them "found objects." This picture does not do them justice as they actually glisten. I have found many agates, pieces of obsidian and quartz in the backyard.
Treasures from the Creator. Slow cooling, solid, even semi-precious - volcanic in nature. The more lustre they exhibit, the more slowly they cooled from the original pyroclastic blast.