Sunday, December 30, 2007

The Simplicity of Zen................

Here are pictures of the corner of our patio. The three white rocks have been gathered from our backyard. I love how bright and beautiful they are. The extremely complex, yet seemingly simple - Julia Campbell would call them "found objects." This picture does not do them justice as they actually glisten. I have found many agates, pieces of obsidian and quartz in the backyard.
Treasures from the Creator. Slow cooling, solid, even semi-precious - volcanic in nature. The more lustre they exhibit, the more slowly they cooled from the original pyroclastic blast.


gottago said...

I'm smiling. I can imagine you standing over your rocks taking this photo. Neat. I love the green grass in the shot.

Did you have your flash on?

Susan Lowery said...

No flash! :)