Sunday, August 31, 2008

Photos From the Yard & Area Surrounding El Morro, NM

We spent the day searching out he Wild Spirit Wolf Sanctuary. While in the gift store i was overcome by emotion due to the 75 wolves singing and howling. I cried. I can't really explain the experience. It just felt like I was "home...." The proceeds from everything sold in the store if not in full, is in part, devoted to the wolves and to their care at the sanctuary. It was an incredible experience and both Dan and I can't wait to go back and spend the day with the wolves communing and crooning. This is Dan's photo.

On our much needed jaunt yesterday - Saturday, we also went to see El Morro. These photos were also taken by Dan. We went to another little town called Ramah, a wonderful and beautiful green pastural environment southwest of us about 150 miles. We attended a Farmers Market there and purchased some incredibly delicious homemade Pita bread, home grown corn-on-the- cob, and oh yeah, home grown cucumbers too! The people were all really friendly and the setting beautiful. It reminded me a little of my home state, Oregon.

Here we have Nikita and our neighbor dog Sandy exchanging greetings one morning before work, this week.

Here is a beautiful wild willow blossom from our backyard. These beautiful trees are the ultimate survivors out here in the desert. They require very little water and proliferate expansively after each rain. They're delicate and a rabbit staple.

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