I made a few minor changes to this portrait. If you look at Jon, you'll see that I've added a little more color to his face and helped define him a bit more. I think I'll take a few minutes this week to finish it up for good and begin a new "Finnish Fairy" portrait.
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We moved to New Mexico Months ago........
And it's been a wonderful, challenging adjustment. My husband Dan, our Siberian husky Nikita and myself all left our Los Angeles abode of 13+ years - mid July of 2007. My total years in LA a little over sixteen, Dan's nineteen. It's taken a little work to shake the city off.....
Here, We've experienced the monsoon season, exquisite full moons, wildish-mystical skies and slow as molasses utilities hook-ups!
New Mexico has it's own special pace. We're beginning to fit in just fine. Now we're into a cooling and extreme drying trend.
Everything we have is covered in dust, mother earth, and we love it. Dan has never relaxed so much. It's a pretty awesome space.