They were in front of the house this morning. One scampered off, the other sauntered up the hill
across the street (in a field). Then, Nikita and I started walking and we ended up following 2 of them
for about 10-15 mins. It was great. They would cross the road from field to field. They kept an eye on us,
but they really weren't too concerned. I'll take my camera out tomorrow. Hopefully I'll see them again.
Saw a roadrunner and a few lizards too! Here's a photo of that roadrunner, leaping off of a house! Everybody is waking up, coming out of their winter slumber.
I too, am coming out of my winter slumber. Nikita and I danced around in the moonlight and explored the backyard on the 21st of March - the full moon, Good Friday and the day after the Vernal Equinox.
I took a little time off from my blog. I was not feeling at the top of my game for a bit but, I'm back!
Happy Spring Everybody!!!