Saturday, March 1, 2008

I'm Gonna Be 50 Next Month!!!!!!!! How Time Flies!

Now, it's "ART!"

Not too magnificent of a shot or angle, but oh well, here I am! I'll be 50 in one month and 4 days.

Where has the time gone? Perhaps overhead; like today's migratory cranes. Or, just flying by, like Ms. Prairie Falcon who made her presence known this morning. She was wigging out because of all of the crane overhead flying north. Daring Ms. Raven came gliding by as well - her wing span must have been no less than 5 feet. She was dazzling and enormous.

We have a bird that I believe is nesting on the top of our chimney! I saw her today, she's a round little thing - adorable as can be. I hope to climb up on the roof today to check out the nest as well as look over the roof & stucco itself for cracks & such. The monsoons will be here sooner than we know it and the rains will come pouring down!

Dan started a job a little better than a week ago. He had his first full week, this week. He was tired this morning! We went to breakfast to celebrate his job, and few other things for which we are extremely grateful.

Oh yeah - I got a new hat too! This is it.

I wore out the cowboy hat that Dan got for me in July. It got holes in from being outside so much and from the extreme use! I'm a "yard woman" these days!

Thank you Creator for all of our blessings whether or not we recognize them at the time - thank you.



gottago said...

NO, NO, NO! You can't possibly be turning 50. You still look like a kid.

You have got to put another photo up. That doesn't even look like you.

My 50's were the best years of my life in every way. Enjoy.

I love you,


Susan Lowery said...

I tried taking my own picture! Doh!
I know, it looks all distorted, etc. Oh well, it's "Art!"

But, who knows, maybe my vanity will surge ahead of "Art."

We'll see. As we say, "more will be revealed...."

