Monday, July 27, 2009
Sunday, July 26, 2009
All I Know........
All I Know
Susan Lowery copyright 6/2006
How do I begin to experience your mystery?
My Universe, my Creator…
Where do my prayers go -
How about my thoughts?
Where does all of time go?
Beneath the fabric of illusion,
That separating veil,
Incubate me like a cocoon
In the strongest of threads so frail.
All of what I know is paradox,
Flailing back and forth - to and fro.
From light to dark and light again,
To void, and then to “full.”
All that is empty is truly filled
By what is largest and small,
In the theory of relativity,
It is specific in e=mc square,
I don’t understand anti matter, but I care.
I am nothing and know nothing - yet,
I am the total sum of all I know
- in a universe of “yes and no”
How can this be so?
Susan Lowery copyright 6/2006
How do I begin to experience your mystery?
My Universe, my Creator…
Where do my prayers go -
How about my thoughts?
Where does all of time go?
Beneath the fabric of illusion,
That separating veil,
Incubate me like a cocoon
In the strongest of threads so frail.
All of what I know is paradox,
Flailing back and forth - to and fro.
From light to dark and light again,
To void, and then to “full.”
All that is empty is truly filled
By what is largest and small,
In the theory of relativity,
It is specific in e=mc square,
I don’t understand anti matter, but I care.
I am nothing and know nothing - yet,
I am the total sum of all I know
- in a universe of “yes and no”
How can this be so?
Friday, July 24, 2009
The Epiphany of Tiffany E. Poh.......continued
Copyright Susan Lowery 2004
Chapter 2:
Lucid Relativity
Lucid Relativity
"Are my eyes playing tricks on me?" She squinted, popped her eyes wide open and rubbed them.
Perhaps, perhaps not...... But, somehow, somewhere deep inside - she knew what she’d seen was real.
Tiffany leaned in closer, and at this, Great Grand Daddy quickly flicked his talon and tail at her and out flew a tiny tornado of purple sparkly, glitter! There was little more than a poof, and it was immediately followed up by a crackle sound, and the next thing she knew, she was somewhere else entirely.
This time Tiffany found herself to be a little bit dizzy and in the middle of what seemed to be somebody’s living room that was extraordinarily bright. In fact, it was so brilliant that it was illuminated with shimmering gold as well as glowing white and silver. It actually seemed to be alive, even perhaps vibrating or pulsating with light. The furniture was very playful and comfortable, yet stately - with lots of carved animal and reptilian heads seemingly everywhere. Chandeliers hung from the ceilings - with great crystals effusing color everywhere; casting off rainbows from each planed facet. Everything was stunningly beautiful!
She wondered, "Why doesn't mom create this type of environment in our living room....." "Oh holy cow, there's that smell!"
It was all coming from right here! Or, right here, somewhere! At the exact moment she wanted to find what was making the smell, instead, she found herself side-tracked and looking around the immediate room at the many swords on the wall. Funny thing, she couldn't resist touching them or running her fingers along the cool metal blades - being careful to keep her fingers from the razor sharp edges of course! As she lowered her fingers to the cool steel blades, they left a visible streaming trail of charcoal and lavender smoke that stayed on the sword, moving - and yet easily identifying her fingerprints, just like she’d pushed her fingers into putty or ink.
This made her nervous, in fact panicky. At first she pulled her hand back in a real jerky kind of reaction, but then, in spite of her fear, became so entranced that she couldn’t stop herself from looking at, and touching everything - prints or no prints!
Room after room she entered, leaving her marks everywhere! An adventurer yes, a sneaky investigator; hardly!
Never had she seen such an exotic assortment of things. These items or seeming knick-knacks, were things that she had only heard about in bed time stories involving characters like King Arthur, his Queen; Guinevere, the Knights of the Round Table and the ancient, mythical people of Camelot. Her mother had told her all about them. Never did she think that she would ever see any of it, or that it even possibly existed. Her mother also told her that there was never any hard proof of King Arthur’s existence, but it was very mysterious that so many knew of the king and the legendary tale. And now, here was an entire room of artifacts. As she looked more closely at the sword, in a whisper she remarked, could this be the one and only "Excalibur?"
If so, then perhaps evidence of the "Lady of the Lake" was nearby as well, perhaps even Merlin! If that were the case, then what about Morgan La Fay and her dear progeny murdered? This was all proving to be very interesting. Her mind was absolutely reeling.
"There's one really weird thing about all of this," she said to herself as she placed her index finger to the corner of her mouth, "there aren't any pictures of knights, nor of ladies in waiting, nothing like that, only Dragons.... "Hmmm, Dragons, dinosaurs and strange combinations of creatures that obviously can't be real... - can they?"
She also immediately noticed that all of the pictures had plaques beneath them made of brass. The words were etched in a language that she had never seen before.
“Oh Gramma, can this be so? They actually look like symbols, little pictures of sorts.... kind of, sort of like those ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics." "Oh, how I wish you and Peony were here!"
Tiffany had a funny feeling that her grandma just might be able to decipher these plaques. She was so incredibly knowledgeable.
Peony was the kitten that Tiffany had recently lost to the evil landlord & manager Matilda. Matilda became enraged that Tiffany's mother had procured her a kitten. Poor Matilda didn’t have very many good and gentle things in her life, but she sure as heck didn’t want anybody else to have anything nice either! So, just like the Wicked Witch of the West, she snatched up Tiffany’s kitten one day while Tiff was outside exploring, and immediately made off with her in an old corrugated box to the pound. This brought a tear to Tiffany’s eye. She never did find out what happened to her.
But now, her attention was once again on the portraits in the living room, she noticed that they were framed in gilded gold and matted with black and purple paisley velvet - with bevels of silver. Everything here seemed to be extremely old and odd. The way her mother loved antiques, she would have had a hay day here! She knew it.
Now that she got to thinking about it, her mother was a bit of a strange bird, so to speak - perhaps also a bit like a crow; loving everything that glittered and sparkled…
She was stormed by a multitude of thoughts and one of the immediate ones was had to do with a second hand store by her home, where Tiffy and her mother bought all of their clothes, (except for the ones that she made). Evelyn could spot a spectacular broach or precious stone necklace in a heartbeat, even if it were caked in tarnish. This was her specialty and she was good at it. Not only was she part crow but one could say that she had the eyes of a hawk! Her mother always told Tiffany that she had inherited her terrific eye sight from her..... Evelyn had also taught Tiff that there are many diamonds that cannot be seen with the naked eye because they truly are in the rough, and must be patiently polished and sometimes even chipped and chiseled with lots of love and elbow grease in order to be found. One had to look closely at things under ones nose in order to spot things wonderful. Then, in order to cultivate it, it took a tremendous amount of elbow grease to accomplish and obtain anything worth holding on to; like great dreams.
Tiffany, coming back from her mental wandering, startled herself. She wondered where the elegant older reptilian gentleman was, the one who magically transported her from the toy store front to this warm and enchanting museum. Her daydreaming had a tendency to get the better of her at times and somewhat regularly she lost track of time altogether. How many levels of dreaming had she already crossed over, above or under in order to get here? This is after all what had happened, right?
As though she wasn’t already confused, she smelled another scent and felt a new warm breeze. This breeze actually carried with it a bit of humidity causing her to gently perspire. It was also scented with tangerine, which made it totally refreshing and invigorating. Then, as she quickly spun around on her heels, there he was - the dapper old reptilian gent! At first she just stopped dead in her tracks - she was nervous, but within seconds, in awe. Even at a quick glimpse, she could already tell that he had a peace and wisdom about him that she had never before experienced - an incredibly calming strength. She started to cry; actually to weep - for no reason other than she was exceedingly relaxed and peaceful. As her tears were pouring down her face, she tasted the tears; salty like the sea. They were like rivers careening down to her lips, to then be lost to the crevices of her cavernous mouth. Great Grand Daddy Dragon had that effect on humans. He’d been around for thousands of years and had had, lots of time to figure out how to treat them (and everything else) with love and kindness.
He’d had many lifetimes over human beings. Where a typical human lives to about 80 or 90 years old, Dragons - ever since he could remember, lived to at least five thousand years, and that was leaving the planet a little bit early. Early deaths were attributed to lost visions or dreams, it was rare, but it did happen.... In fact, he knew of several that when they tired of their earthly experience all together, simply blended into the hillside with their big back plates, scales and all becoming one with the landscape and the elements. Their spirits as they left, became the mighty winds surrounding the peaks and flailing through the valleys - sometimes as cold as ice and at other times, hot as Dragon’s fire......... And in some areas of the world, that’s why the rock called 'shale,' actually looks like scales!
As far as he knew, it took a very rare human to be aware that dragons, their scales, plates or anything, were ever in their midst. Except, that is, for the very few super extra special human visionaries.
He had experienced the misunderstandings of the Ozark Ages and had felt the brunt - the pain, of many foolish, hurtful actions taken. Back then, all people did was attempt to destroy things that they didn’t understand, or were afraid of, and in some mighty gruesome ways. Great Grand Daddy was hoping to bring his many years of love and patience toward the art of living, to humans through Tiffany.
He had been searching for just the right little boy or girl to present this information, to someone that the world would listen to, and not fear. People, as Great Grand Daddy knew, had a way of acting aggressively and even violently, when in fear or, when confused or threatened. Tiffany was someone who was already loving and malleable. She would be a perfect carrier.
Tiffany drew in a deep breath of the heavy tangerine scent and felt the magic fill her lungs while flowing through her entire being, waking and electrifying her - circulating through her veins, through her entire body, mind and spirit. She thought to herself that she was ready for anything now, and especially ready to meet her newest teacher. She couldn’t wait to learn whatever he could or would share with her. She was so sick of regular school at this point. But, what would he say - she say? How would they start?
Who was this gentleman anyway and more, how would she explain? Explain that is, that she was now communicating with a Dragon. Oh yes, this was going to be rich. Just describing the way he looked to her mother and her friends would be enough for them to throw her into a very tight place of safe keeping - for quite awhile too. In other words, they’d think most possibly, that she had lost her mind. Who would ever believe her unless she could transport them to this place with her? Her self doubt brewing....
Just then, as if on cue, Great Grand Daddy Cedric Lucas addressed her with a very chivalrous bow. He tipped his purple plumed hat saying,
“Welcome dearest young one to The Cuddlebee Estates, Home of The Most Extraordinary Happenings.”
”Holy cow.......”
Tiffany was now completely drawn in. She found Great Grand Daddy’s dramatic air most polite and greatly appealing. He had a very old and elegant way about him, a way that was no more. It was common hundreds of years ago, perhaps, but not now. She immediately wanted to know more about this new exciting and eccentric fellow. He spoke with a thick British accent, extremely articulate and exact. He then very nobly yet gently introduced himself as;
"Sir Cedric Lucas Counterberry Cuddlebee, Great Granddaddy of the northern most region (or reaches) of the ancient dragon clan world. We have been brought together by destiny."
Tiffany almost had to pick her jaw up off the floor. He then asked her,
"Do you remember how you arrived at this most magnificent location today, or, more exactly, by what means?"
He also asked her if she remembered how she’d traveled from the toy store to where she was now - the Cuddlebee Estates. Tiffany was just a little foggy at first, but very quickly, the entire experience was clear as a bell - and incredibly unbelievable.
She then recanted, “I’d been playing... and then become suddenly sleepy. I, I found myself flying through the clouds - and as my dress turned into a parachute, I descended upon a roof top.” “There’s a lot more that I remember as well ...but, well ... I certainly don’t understand as to how I was able to do it...” “Wow!” A smile of disbelief and a head shake followed. As though rattling her head around would make the answer more believable.
The kind old gent looked at her compassionately, nodded his head up and down in acknowledgement, released a gentle sigh, (accompanied by an understanding giggle and a smile) and said, “Ah yes”. A great amount of air escaped from his nose setting off a small blaze. He then confusedly, cleared his throat and wiped his nose with an ice cube miraculously wrapped in a handkerchief.
At this point, his tiny, all knowing smile turned up the corners of his mouth, just below his long beaked nose. His kindly brow also wrinkled up in a concerned way. He knew what she was up against, and it was hard challenging one’s beliefs. He remembered well, back to a time when he was young and had first been teleported by his imagination, he too, was concerned as to how his reality had been challenged & changed and forever, therefore, he understood her confusion. This would prove to be a time of starting over for Tiffany; of being reborn - as she would soon find out.
Tiffany looked at Grand Daddy Cedric Lucas and saw his millions of dry, drooping and actually “hanging,” rugged scales. She just knew that he must have been around for thousands of years. He had to have been. His leathery hide bore the appearance of having seen everything; many seasons of war as well as peace, harsh winters and scorching summers - especially in comparison to her young, soft glowing skin - and she could sense that of course once again, Cedric Lucas knew what she was thinking......
Tiffany was very bright and all of 10 years old. She had already experienced more than anyone her age should have, having grown up without a father - or at least one that was really “present” in the dark and dense city in which she lived. Her father had been very sick for years. This forced her mother to take on both roles in her family --- that of mother and father. Her mom, Evelyn, had to be a strong and sturdy leader - like a father was ultimately supposed to be, and yet, delicate, nurturing and gentle as a mother, someone that would teach her the softer and more compassionate side of life. This was quite a difficult balancing act, but her mom was always teaching Tiffany a great deal simply by living, by being a terrific example of an aware and caring human being. This of course didn’t take magic or potions or anything like that, simply dedication to her daughter, and a concerned consistency.
Tiffany was experiencing a time in the world that was insistent on expressing aggression. She didn’t understand why, but was certain that many people, perhaps even everybody, was running around angry and yet seemingly fearful or scared of one another. Tiff wondered if the emotions of fear and anger came from the same place.
They certainly seemed to carry very similar, if not the same results. Students in her school and people at large in her city were constantly arguing and attempting to hurt one another either physically or emotionally, regularly being at odds. What was happening? Why were there so many people that were so angry and willing to kill or hurt one another and ruin all things that represented anything sacred? It was a mystery. Anger and fear, the very things that had confined her father for years, currently seemed to be the most acknowledged operating mechanisms in the world. And all that they created were massive amounts of chaos and destruction. War. Greed, she heard, was driving it all and Tiffany was still trying to understand what had happened in New York just a few years ago.....
Tiffany lived in one of the darker & scarier brick apartment buildings in Seattle, where it seemed to rain a little bit, or a lot, almost everyday. Her building was not as well cared for as her mother and grandmother would have liked, but inside their apartment it was clean, warm, and it was home. Plus, it had huge windows in the front. Granted, they overlooked a busy street, but just beyond the street and the row of roof tops she could see the ocean! It was beautiful, huge and blue. She could see everywhere and there were times that she was lucky enough to see orcas! They were incredibly powerful and graceful, these wolves of the sea........ She also watched the huge waves pounding against the seawall during the months of winter and spring. Tall spouts of water would spray up and over the road and bridges giving all who were gathered a salty shower. So, whatever was unsavory about the building in which she lived, was certainly made up for by the view and the access she had to the ocean.
While staring out the window and waiting to find out what was going to happen next, and in a contemplative mood, she wondered to herself, “where were all of the true heroes of the world?” She didn’t really know why this thought came up, but it did. Maybe it was the News; maybe it was just the media in general telling her to worship the latest pop and sports stars. “Where were the Abraham Lincoln’s, the Mahatma Gandhi’s and the Martin Luther Kings that she had learned about in school? How about the Mozart’s, Beethoven’s and DaVinci’s of the world?” She muttered. Her kitty meowed back to her almost as though in acknowledgement. These kinds of people had to be somewhere, she thought, they just had to.
She desperately needed someone that she could truly look up to. So did all of the kids that she knew. True, she had her mother - but was her mother truly a heroic figure? Could her mother’s face be on a postage stamp? How about Grandma’s?
What about someone bigger than life, bigger than all of the bad things that happen? Someone or something, that could lead people away from greed and selfishness and such - away from all of the fearful, insane destruction. She needed someone, someone who could explain what and why so many scary things had happened, and were still continuing to happen. Did someone or something like that really exist? She’d learned of Joseph Campbell and all of his interest in the reasons people did what they did, and thought what they thought by her mom and Grandma Iris. They talked about him all of the time. He was supposed to be a great explainer. Where was he when she needed someone to sort out all of these levels of confusion and what her mom had just come to call plain nonsense and craziness?
Speaking of more curious folk, where was Sir Cedric Lucas now? Counterberry Cuddlebee Extraordinaire? She started to feel a little cranky again and found herself doing what her mom and grandma asked her not to do - kick at the floor and scrape her heels trying to make squeak sounds. It would have been all right, but Tiffany always insisted on wearing shoes that had black soles that would, end up leaving miserable, and almost impossible to remove black skid marks on the floor. After all, it was better than leaving skid marks in the toilet bowl, like she saw in some of the public restrooms on a regular basis! Yuck!!!!
While waiting for Sir Cedric, Tiffany got to thinking about her poor Daddy again and how he was barely lift himself out of his chair these days. He was in a very sad state. Most of the time she tried to ignore it, but it was getting harder and harder. For too many years he’d convinced himself of not being happy and let all kinds of negative thinking intoxicate his mind. It was as though he were under some kind of dark spell. Whenever he could, he found something wrong with people and the world and then explained away that that’s what made him what he was today; miserable - unable to believe in any of the good that still existed in the world.
He was inactive and very sickly due to his unhappiness. His heart had been broken too many times due to the pressures of the world. All he could do anymore was cry and bitterly complain. He’d given up any hope of a happy or changed world. Tiff knew this, and she felt so helpless in her inability to cheer him. Somewhere along the way he’d just lost the desire to keep trying - anything. In spite of all of this, Tiffany and her mother loved him very much. They remembered a day when he wasn’t like this at all - a day when he was creative, joyous and exceedingly brilliant. Her mother had told her that in fact at one time, Daddy had been so candidly charming, that he had charmed a snake right out of its skin! Tiffany didn’t know what she meant by that, and was trying to imagine what that might look like, and better yet, why he would do it..... She did however “get” the fact that it was quite an exceptional achievement. For now, Tiffany and her mom just accepted Daddy the way he was, even though he was seemingly, endlessly unhappy. They did however, have hope that one day he or some thing, would be able to break this spell and he would become himself again.
And even if that never happened, they knew that the world was beautiful in spite of its troubles. Sometime Tiffany thought that she could see the color of dark, muddy green just sort of floating around him. She liked this color in army pants, but not surrounding her daddy. Sometimes he even had this sort of sulfur smell around him too...... This didn’t make her want to get too terribly close to him.
While standing in the center of Great Grand Daddy Cedric’s living room, Tiffany looked briefly into the great big standing mirror and momentarily glimpsed an image of herself. Was this really her? Beautiful soft blonde wavy hair cascading down past her shoulders, largely looping into curls.... almond like blue-green eyes; maybe even slightly gray.... with sweeping butterfly lashes the color of coal. Tall, strong and confident was her frame. A light splashing of freckles fell across her nose, hinting at her fire within (in Chinese medicine), and her cheeks were as bright as cherries. Had she always looked like this? She wondered. She also noticed that although Cedric’s skin was old and worn, his cheeks were as pink as hers, and his eyes twice as bright. He had a twinkling and energy in his eyes that could not be gauged by time. With his mind always working, he was thoughtful, playful and very much alert and alive.
Where was that rascal now? Regardless of how she got into the room, she was here now, so now what!? She had so many questions to ask and all Cedric wanted to do was play games! He kept calling out her name “Miss Tiffany,… Miss Tiffany!” And then, vanishing in the next instant, completely turning her thoughts upside down!
And then again, “Tiffany!” from the ceiling and “Tiffany!” from behind the suit of armor.
“Wee-one, yoo-hoo!” From behind the humidifying pipe-organ time machine.
She had no idea where he went, or where to begin looking for him because he moved so swiftly from one place to the next, seemingly in seconds flat. One thing that she did notice however after a period of time was that every time he left, she started to get a tiny little “inkling” or perhaps a “hint” as to where he might be hiding next. He managed to duck under and behind chairs, go completely flat and slip under a carpet. He even wrapped himself around a lamp shade - and completely blended in to the design on the long slender stand as well as the design on the cover! All of this was accomplished right under her nose and she never, even saw him move! He simply vanished or “became one” with whatever he chose. He also seemed to become nearly transparent, sort of like an apparition and then sometimes appeared like smoke.
After all of this hide and seek, she was beginning to notice something in herself every time he disappeared. She noticed that if she listened to an inner prompting of information, her intuition - something that was sort of inside her head, her heart and in her stomach, she started to have sort of an inner “knowing.” As she started listening to this “voice,” it started to guide her, and as a result, she knew exactly where to look and find him. What was funny was that she really didn’t want to believe this inner voice or self because somehow it seemed strange or maybe even a little freaky to her.
She started to beat him at his own game and when this happened several times in a row, Great Granddaddy stopped and was quite pleased with Tiffy’s abilities. When she thought for a moment, she realized that there were many things that she knew without having specific knowledge or an explanation. She almost always knew for instance, when she was going to receive mail or get a phone call from someone special. Like the time that she’d been thinking about her favorite cousin and she’d been worried about her, her cousin called. Grandma Iris called these types of happenings “premonitions.” Tiffany thought that it was kind of a funny term, but then she thought a lot of what grandma thought and did was kind of funny. After this, she became a little more comfortable with the whole situation and actually started to tire of Cedric Lucas' antics and wished that he would just stop playing and state his business.
Within the next second, her thoughts changed and there she was looking into the mirror again. She began admiring the dress that Evelyn and Iris had made for her. Not only had it turned into a parachute at just the right time and saved her from a fall that could have been disastrous, but it also didn’t hold any stains from the pudding that she had licked off earlier! She wondered if Cedric Lucas knew the details about this too. Her dress still looked nice and fresh, in fact unstoppable - this was amazing and miraculous in itself.
Then all of a sudden, while Cedric Lucas was still hiding from her, she remembered another piece of her adventure, as to how she came upon the toy store and the purple plumed reptilian phantom - she’d been flying! That’s how this whole thing started, or almost.... She imagined that her dress had become a parachute and that she’d landed on the roof of an incredible toy store, with a magic slide down to its entrance. She’d imagined the multi-colored worms, the toy store, Cedric, the luscious smells everything. “So,” she thought to herself, “why stop there?!” After all, in spite of being bored that day, she’d created this world, an entire universe! How wonderful was that? She’d imagined that she’d been transported by the flick of a talon attached to an ancient living, breathing - let alone talking, upright reptile and some purple powder, to the center of the room in which she was standing now! That was it! She only had to think it, or imagine it, in order for it to be! She couldn’t wait to tell somebody, anybody - but then who’d believe her? Hmmm.......
To daydream, to drift, to imagine - wow, that must be the answer to almost everything.... Then she thought about it some more and realized that the only thing that stopped or created her, or anybody from anything in their lives was their thinking. Or maybe even their not thinking, or thinking stuff that didn’t help her or anyone else to get what they wanted..... In other words, as of this very instant, she could tell for sure that she needed to think about what she wanted, and not about what she didn’t want!
Many times she had caught herself thinking that she could not do something before she’d even tried. She also realized that there had to be a reason for it. What popped into her mind immediately was fear. She must not allow fear to do this to her; to stop her from attempting anything new, different and possibly scary. Fear that she would fail, or maybe even succeed...... If she did succeed in something, this meant that she would have to change something in her world. That could be scary too! But what was fear anyway? Other than just another thought... In all but a few moments, she realized that it was within her, and within everybody - to either visualize or think about the good or the not so good. Until this very moment she never knew how crippling fear could be - and not just to kids! It was a choice, now she knew. And, to take that one step further - she now knew that she truly had the ability to transform her life. There wasn’t anything or anybody that she could control, but she could control how and what she thought about. Oh, now this was making sense. In other words, to take it a step further, if she kept doing what she was doing, she would keep getting what she already had, and if it wasn’t what she wanted, then she had better try something else! Boy, now that was easy!
It also came to mind that if she tried to be the best person that she could be, that she wouldn’t have to demand it of others. She would just know that because she felt good inside, this was all she truly needed. And, that if she was really neat to herself and respected herself, others would most likely be really neat to her and respect her too. Even though she was young, Tiffany understood how important it was to be a gentle, polite human. She’d been to plenty of places in the past and had seen both children and adults behaving badly. Something particularly dreadful came to mind regarding some young adults she had witnessed, who had refused to help an elderly woman at the market, and in fact, went out of their way to be rude and disrespectful to her.
The frail woman was having a difficult time walking with her cart out to the parking lot. It turned out that not only was this person frail, but she couldn’t see very well either. Therefore, it was no wonder that she didn’t drive or have a car, let alone, have a ride home from the market. Not expecting anything from anybody, including harassment, (especially from someone that she didn’t know), these young people went out of their way to shout at her and threaten her with bodily harm unless she hurried up and got out of their way. According to these young people, she was just asking too much of their precious time. They started teasing her; calling her names. With super exaggerated physical antics, they squawked horrible things like “you old, useless scrap of meat!” “You’re nothing but a drain on society. Why don’t you go ahead and hurry up and die, in fact, how about a little help you old hag!” And this was far from the most vulgar of the phrases. Witnessing this pained Tiffany to the core. How could this happen? How could these young people feel like this? It made absolutely no sense.
So she wondered this; why did Great Granddaddy come to her? Was it because she could understand such simple concepts as gentility? She certainly had questions now. Would she continue on as in her dream? Especially, since she could create nearly all things that came to her mind. What if she was never to wake? What would happen then? Would she always have what she wanted if she were good?
After thinking so deeply for awhile, Tiffany wore herself out, so she made a decision and she changed what she was thinking about! From tough stuff to flying lizards and unicorns - uh oh! Here they were, coming right at her! She had to dodge to the left and then like a rabbit diving into a rabbit hole, leap forward and down, diving to the ground just like the swallows that she’d seen earlier in the day. Whew, maybe now she was safe. Thank heaven, for now she was out of the way. Now she needed to think about something really peaceful and calm, something that wouldn’t jump at her, drown her or carry her off somewhere. Something quiet, soft and...... Her mind raced off again. She began to think that she just may want a pair of mohair stockings in shocking fuchsia, with a short boiled wool jacket of the same color - with lime green and purple spots of course. Poof! “Oh my gosh!!!” There they were, and there she was - wearing these incredibly fun and totally matching new things. Oh yes, this was going to be her new thing now, creating fun clothes! She wondered if she would be able to create things from her memory and bring them into her “real world” to where her mom & dad and all of her friends lived. “Oh, yes, yes, yes!!!” Wouldn’t that be wonderful if she could? Well, at least her ability to create a wardrobe for herself was now confirmed. She would never have to wear the same old things, day after day again! She started making up all kinds of combinations. Stocking caps made of socks with real rabbits - and their tails for pom-poms, still alive or course! Tutu’s of lime green with bright pink and yellow stars, with the most beautiful yellow satin ballet slippers imaginable. And oh how she loved the hot orange tights and leotard that simply finished off the outfit making it divine!
She wondered if she could create some new clothes for her mom and grandma too. She would so love it if her mother would never again wear those tight- ankled, pear- shaped bumpy pants. The ones that made her wiggle like jello, and look twice as lumpy. She often wondered why her mother would want to wear things that made her lower half look like she had moon craters. They were bright turquoise too. Everybody knew when her mom was coming. Tiffany shuddered at the thought of those old pants. “Maybe Mom would look good in fuchsia too...perhaps even her pet Wolf, and cat.....” poof! There they all were! Well, according to Tiffany, everybody would be fabulous in fuchsia!
She visualized grandma’s skin colored stockings and how she rolled them down around her ankles when she wore pants, and just below her knee while wearing a skirt. Yes, it was scary. Even if the skirt was at or above the knee, grandma wore her stockings at the same place - tight as a tourniquet! And, on top of it she had bad circulation. But oh, that wasn’t enough - she then had to tie them off in a knot so that they wouldn’t fall down. Ugh. Nude to tan lumps of stocking flesh attached to her knees and ankles. She could go a very long time and be happy not having to see that for awhile.... In fact upon this thought, her eyes rolled up in the backs of their sockets. There were so many things that needed addressing, or in this case “redressing.” She was going to be a very busy young lady. She was going wild now, thinking about how she was going to change just about everybody and everything that she didn’t like or agree with.... Then she had another thought..... She could make only her favorite foods available everywhere. No more eating stuff or even seeing stuff that she didn’t like. It would simply be gone, not exist - be eliminated. What a simple, to the point, process.
Maybe with some practice she would be able to show others how to do this too.... Would everything come this easily or would it come slowly, gradually? She didn’t have the slightest clue. And was this really happening at all or was this just a dream?
She delved into her own world a little more again and thought “Uh oh, what if they or everybody else wants something different than what I want?” And if she taught people how to do it; this visualization process, they must want what she wanted – right?. After all, wouldn’t they owe their incredible gift to her and want to please her? “Uh, oh.......” This could definitely create a problem.....she thought......
Regardless, being a bit on the willful side, she fully plunged into visual memories of pictures that she’d seen of the great forests and mountains of the world in books and magazines. When she saw them in her mind, she saw them as full, rich and abundant. There were lots of thick, tall trees and plenty of meadows and caves and such that made safe habitats for all kinds of wild life. There were tall hills and giant mountains with cornices and vista points. Everywhere that had been strip-mined and plundered for resources, she saw fully restored to its’ natural health, state and beauty.
She visualized bodies of water; oceans, rivers, lakes and streams. She saw them as being pure, clean and bubbling. She visualized them full of fish and turtles and salamanders and stuff, and, they had in and around them every kind of water fowl and crawly creature imaginable. She now knew that If she could see them in her mind, she could make them real - at least in her world and for now, and heal them if they were sick! She was so anxious to test her new gift and abilities. She could even help animals and people everywhere from illness and perhaps more than that - from extinction! Once again the question came up of, “Where will I begin?” She plopped herself down with a big splat onto one of Sir Cedric’s many ottomans. She wasn’t looking where she was going and lo and behold, sat directly on Sir Cedric’s head with a huge thud. “Holy cow!” She gasped. He had turned himself into a piece of furniture right under her nose, and she didn’t even see it. Here she had just been priding herself on her incredible intuitive abilities - an anomaly - she was, however, she managed to miss the more than obvious, amazing, absolutely amazing. She had kind of sensed it, well, sort of - (his where- abouts). That’s kind of why she sat where she sat, but somehow that doesn’t seem very honest now does it? Plus, simply put, she sure wasn’t being very careful. Cedric’s shoulders gave way under the weight and they both plummeted to the ground and were in a pile on the floor. Both, were just a little surprised! Tricks were looming and crooning around every corner!
It was interesting that she managed to jump from determined to doubting in the period of about 5 seconds. Tiffany had been ecstatic over her possibilities but now she had changed completely and had some mighty heavy things on her mind. Instead of wanting to change everything in the world at the drop of a hat, she began to think a little bit past the immediate moment and started to feel responsible for healing those creatures, people and things - that as of yet, could not heal or help themselves, but, she too was just learning. Of doing good things for everybody and everything (except for those really jerky, snotty “have everything” girls/kids - the girls who constantly gave her grief at school and made fun of her for being such a weirdo, or as her grandma would say, “an individual.”) Yes, she certainly felt fortunate to have discovered this gift of “sight”, but she could already tell that it could be a very heavy burden as well. She sighed to herself as Cedric moaned and rubbed his hand over his shoulders and on down to his lower back, just above his tail. His glasses were all katty-wampus on his snout and he was just a little dazed, however still smiling. He did however realize that he had better to get to work fast. His “subject” was coming into all of this information much too quickly and without guidance. And she was ready to take action, stop taking action, laughing and crying all at the same time. This was way too much for her to try and sort out all alone at 10 years old. So, he gathered himself up, put his glasses squarely back onto his beak, straightened out his gallant hat and took a seat at the head of the round table.
One of the first things that he said to her was that she must know that she alone was not responsible for the world. The world had been around quite awhile before she ever came along and would probably last long after she was gone. All she had to do was take care of herself, and be the best living example (of humanity) that she could possibly be. That meant everything from keeping her room clean, to feeding and watering her wolves, cats and turtles, to taking out the trash. She also needed to be responsible for doing her own school work, not copying from somebody else or letting somebody else copy hers, and in general, just do the right thing - in front of others and outside of their view. In other words, she needed to be honest, kind and thoughtful - whether she was in front of anybody or not. She also needed to confront her friends when they were doing wrong, not in a mean way, but in a way that she would like to be confronted if she were doing something that she wasn’t supposed to do.
What he really tried emphasizing was that she needed to visualize good things happening in the world and in her life, and not just getting her way - but the best possible situation for all involved so that she would carry hope and be a pillar of light, and not be a desperately sad spirit of bewilderment. More than anything now, the world needed hope and love. It needed laughter and joy. We had all become so serious and dishonest at the same time - the whole world! This unhappiness and lawlessness happened to every civilization when it had lost its' way. This Great Grand Daddy knew. He’d seen it many times over and was determined to help turn the tide.
Selfishness and unhappiness not to mention distrust always preceded a major change or fall. He wanted to tell her this in hopes that she alone could start a chain of different reactions and attitudes amongst humanity. He so loved humans and felt for their plight. He wanted them to succeed and to be happy, but also to be in balance with nature and all of the universe. If he could just get Tiffany to promise to do her best in spite of everything around her, he knew that she could and would influence others into a whole new revolution of behaviors. Totally different kinds of actions would be able to be born, or actually “reborn”.
Great Grand Daddy emphasized just how important it was for her to have friends, friends that were positive and happy that liked to have fun. Tiffany’s idea of fun was to play games, go to movies and dress up and make things, and regarding friends, well, Tiff didn’t really have any friends her age at all. There weren’t any kids her age in her building at home and for some reason, she seemed to always end up identifying and spending time with adults. Tiffany had dreamt of having friends; she’d always wanted them, truthfully. Great Granddaddy knew this. He also knew that friends could be very different from ourselves, but still have some of the same values or beliefs. Tiffany was soon to learn more of this. Not everybody had to like the same stuff; our friends were not to be identical to us, but to compliment us and to share things in common. A friend was someone that could or would go places with and that also helped you feel better when you were sick or sad. A friend could lift up our world by making us laugh and poking fun at us so that we wouldn’t take ourselves or our world too seriously.
Friends were folks that played little jokes on us and teased us - in fun of course - but never in anger or jealousy. Friends help friends. Cedric Lucas imparted to her that everybody wouldn’t be happy all of the time, or even at the same - that wasn’t possible, because sometimes crummy things happened. People got sick; friends and animals died or moved away and created sadness - stuff like that. But he wanted her to know how important it was that she surround herself with strong positive people - people that shared this vision of truth, honesty, love, happiness and compassion and in spite of the bad times, would be committed to having good times again.
He could see Tiffany’s mind thinking away..... She had a lot to comprehend. She had her chin nestled into the palm of her hand, her eyes were all squinted looking up, as if she was seeing or visualizing what she was thinking. For a young one, she was in deep concentration. Great Grand Daddy knew that he had made a good choice in Tiffany. He also wanted her to think about the role of technology in the world now and its' use in the future. He wanted her to realize its amazing assisting abilities and yet its deficiencies as well. That although computers, satellites, rocket technology and different biological and mathematical calculations and computations were needed for growth and development - plus they were great tools for easing humanities drudgery, the “human” element or link to all living things must not be forgotten. If it was, we would become even more fragmented and less sensitive to one another’s needs, here, and in other worlds. We needed to be aware and in touch with one another so as to not become cold, impartial and judgmental - being able to dismiss one another’s needs. Very soon this inter-species crossover communication would come as would our ability to control the weather and much of the tectonic activity of our planet earth. These abilities were never to be taken lightly or used for weaponization. All of the dragon kingdom and the “others” needed her. They needed her to help them uphold the fellowship of all living dimensions and foster closer and better relationships. She was going to be helpful in the breaking down barriers, walls that separated us from one another - humans, plants and animals and energies alike. She was going to be a champion interplanetary Ambassador!
Upon the giving of this information the purple plumed reptile thought that it was now time for Tiffany to be introduced to some of his closest and most wonderful friends --- friends of great worldly influence.
He would begin with Great Grand Mama Lotus, his loving wife and best friend of several thousand years. Cedric was great at many things but one area where he lacked sensitivity was in the remembrance of sentimental dates - like that of his wedding day anniversary...... This is where Lotus came in. She had a terrific memory, and kept their calendar in check, especially for dates of personal importance. And, it was she who was responsible for all of the yummy, sweet smells emanating from the toy store. She actually had a marvelous kitchen there with a very interesting stove that was made from a tree trunk! It had to be lined of course with steel and insulated so that it wouldn’t burn up with the first touch of heat. Grandma was lovely and wore beautiful pastel colors. She also wore a crystal about her neck in the shape of a sphere, in pastel colors of the rainbow, it seemed to glow, pulsate, even radiate with every breath she took. She too, was extremely soft in nature and yet strong in spirit as well as colorful in language and appearance. She had been around many, many human lifetimes as well. She always loved having encounters with humans, especially young ones. She loved to leave an impression, but was not as flamboyant as her counterpart, Cedric. She was very grounded and earthy. Many came to her for comfort over the centuries and to taste her magical, mystical baked goods!
Grandma Lotus also had many abilities and Tiffany was about to witness one. As Grandma turned slightly to the left to pick up a lovely raspberry scone and offer it to Tiffany, her wings fluttered and left in their wake a soft beautiful sound of wind chimes, seashells and ocean breakers. Simultaneously, there was a golden aura - like gold glimmering and shimmering that was released upon the lifting of her wings. It turned out that she was basically able to recreate any sound in music and replicate any sound in nature while sending out healing, calming energy at the same time. She was a natural synthesizer. No wires, modems or hard drives here. Pure trust and knowing that she could do it, and that this was a part of who she was, that was all. She had many tricks up her apron.
Prior to actually introducing Tiffany to Cedric’s clan of friends and allies, Cedric thought it best that Tiffany get some rest. She was going to have to assimilate a lot of information in the coming hours and he wanted her in the best mental shape possible.
Tiffany was led to a huge velvet crimson chair that when sat upon, became a glove and enveloped her whole body. It was of the softest down and was infinitely comfortable and warm. Tiffany closed her eyes, stretched and yawned, then, nestled in. Within seconds, she was sound asleep. Her face was that of a porcelain saint and her body so still that one had to really look for a long time to notice the gentle liftings and fallings of her chest. But in her mind, she spun about like a top into a Dervish whirl, everything becoming a blur.
When she became aware of her surroundings, she had again been transported to another place, and to a deeper level. When all of this movement stopped as abruptly as it began, she became aware of a very cold draft. She heard sounds of clanging, and pounding, and footsteps walking, echoing along wooden floors that squeaked and creaked. She could see huge olive green velvet curtains blowing as though they were at the end of a wind tunnel, covering tall French windows that were broken. Through them, the wind shoved its’ way in from the outside, mercilessly ram-rodding itself through the leaded framework, slamming the heavy fabric whose bottom third twisted and curled in protest. The curtains must have been at least 9 ft. tall - taller than any curtain she had at her house. She’d seen curtains like these, but they were usually in movie theaters, old churches and even funeral homes. Unfortunately, she’d been to a funeral home recently upon the death of her great, great aunt Bethesda and had seen curtains that looked very much the same, only in deep burgundy. It was just not common to see curtains such as these in a home.
Perhaps, perhaps not...... But, somehow, somewhere deep inside - she knew what she’d seen was real.
Tiffany leaned in closer, and at this, Great Grand Daddy quickly flicked his talon and tail at her and out flew a tiny tornado of purple sparkly, glitter! There was little more than a poof, and it was immediately followed up by a crackle sound, and the next thing she knew, she was somewhere else entirely.
This time Tiffany found herself to be a little bit dizzy and in the middle of what seemed to be somebody’s living room that was extraordinarily bright. In fact, it was so brilliant that it was illuminated with shimmering gold as well as glowing white and silver. It actually seemed to be alive, even perhaps vibrating or pulsating with light. The furniture was very playful and comfortable, yet stately - with lots of carved animal and reptilian heads seemingly everywhere. Chandeliers hung from the ceilings - with great crystals effusing color everywhere; casting off rainbows from each planed facet. Everything was stunningly beautiful!
She wondered, "Why doesn't mom create this type of environment in our living room....." "Oh holy cow, there's that smell!"
It was all coming from right here! Or, right here, somewhere! At the exact moment she wanted to find what was making the smell, instead, she found herself side-tracked and looking around the immediate room at the many swords on the wall. Funny thing, she couldn't resist touching them or running her fingers along the cool metal blades - being careful to keep her fingers from the razor sharp edges of course! As she lowered her fingers to the cool steel blades, they left a visible streaming trail of charcoal and lavender smoke that stayed on the sword, moving - and yet easily identifying her fingerprints, just like she’d pushed her fingers into putty or ink.
This made her nervous, in fact panicky. At first she pulled her hand back in a real jerky kind of reaction, but then, in spite of her fear, became so entranced that she couldn’t stop herself from looking at, and touching everything - prints or no prints!
Room after room she entered, leaving her marks everywhere! An adventurer yes, a sneaky investigator; hardly!
Never had she seen such an exotic assortment of things. These items or seeming knick-knacks, were things that she had only heard about in bed time stories involving characters like King Arthur, his Queen; Guinevere, the Knights of the Round Table and the ancient, mythical people of Camelot. Her mother had told her all about them. Never did she think that she would ever see any of it, or that it even possibly existed. Her mother also told her that there was never any hard proof of King Arthur’s existence, but it was very mysterious that so many knew of the king and the legendary tale. And now, here was an entire room of artifacts. As she looked more closely at the sword, in a whisper she remarked, could this be the one and only "Excalibur?"
If so, then perhaps evidence of the "Lady of the Lake" was nearby as well, perhaps even Merlin! If that were the case, then what about Morgan La Fay and her dear progeny murdered? This was all proving to be very interesting. Her mind was absolutely reeling.
"There's one really weird thing about all of this," she said to herself as she placed her index finger to the corner of her mouth, "there aren't any pictures of knights, nor of ladies in waiting, nothing like that, only Dragons.... "Hmmm, Dragons, dinosaurs and strange combinations of creatures that obviously can't be real... - can they?"
She also immediately noticed that all of the pictures had plaques beneath them made of brass. The words were etched in a language that she had never seen before.
“Oh Gramma, can this be so? They actually look like symbols, little pictures of sorts.... kind of, sort of like those ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics." "Oh, how I wish you and Peony were here!"
Tiffany had a funny feeling that her grandma just might be able to decipher these plaques. She was so incredibly knowledgeable.
Peony was the kitten that Tiffany had recently lost to the evil landlord & manager Matilda. Matilda became enraged that Tiffany's mother had procured her a kitten. Poor Matilda didn’t have very many good and gentle things in her life, but she sure as heck didn’t want anybody else to have anything nice either! So, just like the Wicked Witch of the West, she snatched up Tiffany’s kitten one day while Tiff was outside exploring, and immediately made off with her in an old corrugated box to the pound. This brought a tear to Tiffany’s eye. She never did find out what happened to her.
But now, her attention was once again on the portraits in the living room, she noticed that they were framed in gilded gold and matted with black and purple paisley velvet - with bevels of silver. Everything here seemed to be extremely old and odd. The way her mother loved antiques, she would have had a hay day here! She knew it.
Now that she got to thinking about it, her mother was a bit of a strange bird, so to speak - perhaps also a bit like a crow; loving everything that glittered and sparkled…
She was stormed by a multitude of thoughts and one of the immediate ones was had to do with a second hand store by her home, where Tiffy and her mother bought all of their clothes, (except for the ones that she made). Evelyn could spot a spectacular broach or precious stone necklace in a heartbeat, even if it were caked in tarnish. This was her specialty and she was good at it. Not only was she part crow but one could say that she had the eyes of a hawk! Her mother always told Tiffany that she had inherited her terrific eye sight from her..... Evelyn had also taught Tiff that there are many diamonds that cannot be seen with the naked eye because they truly are in the rough, and must be patiently polished and sometimes even chipped and chiseled with lots of love and elbow grease in order to be found. One had to look closely at things under ones nose in order to spot things wonderful. Then, in order to cultivate it, it took a tremendous amount of elbow grease to accomplish and obtain anything worth holding on to; like great dreams.
Tiffany, coming back from her mental wandering, startled herself. She wondered where the elegant older reptilian gentleman was, the one who magically transported her from the toy store front to this warm and enchanting museum. Her daydreaming had a tendency to get the better of her at times and somewhat regularly she lost track of time altogether. How many levels of dreaming had she already crossed over, above or under in order to get here? This is after all what had happened, right?
As though she wasn’t already confused, she smelled another scent and felt a new warm breeze. This breeze actually carried with it a bit of humidity causing her to gently perspire. It was also scented with tangerine, which made it totally refreshing and invigorating. Then, as she quickly spun around on her heels, there he was - the dapper old reptilian gent! At first she just stopped dead in her tracks - she was nervous, but within seconds, in awe. Even at a quick glimpse, she could already tell that he had a peace and wisdom about him that she had never before experienced - an incredibly calming strength. She started to cry; actually to weep - for no reason other than she was exceedingly relaxed and peaceful. As her tears were pouring down her face, she tasted the tears; salty like the sea. They were like rivers careening down to her lips, to then be lost to the crevices of her cavernous mouth. Great Grand Daddy Dragon had that effect on humans. He’d been around for thousands of years and had had, lots of time to figure out how to treat them (and everything else) with love and kindness.
He’d had many lifetimes over human beings. Where a typical human lives to about 80 or 90 years old, Dragons - ever since he could remember, lived to at least five thousand years, and that was leaving the planet a little bit early. Early deaths were attributed to lost visions or dreams, it was rare, but it did happen.... In fact, he knew of several that when they tired of their earthly experience all together, simply blended into the hillside with their big back plates, scales and all becoming one with the landscape and the elements. Their spirits as they left, became the mighty winds surrounding the peaks and flailing through the valleys - sometimes as cold as ice and at other times, hot as Dragon’s fire......... And in some areas of the world, that’s why the rock called 'shale,' actually looks like scales!
As far as he knew, it took a very rare human to be aware that dragons, their scales, plates or anything, were ever in their midst. Except, that is, for the very few super extra special human visionaries.
He had experienced the misunderstandings of the Ozark Ages and had felt the brunt - the pain, of many foolish, hurtful actions taken. Back then, all people did was attempt to destroy things that they didn’t understand, or were afraid of, and in some mighty gruesome ways. Great Grand Daddy was hoping to bring his many years of love and patience toward the art of living, to humans through Tiffany.
He had been searching for just the right little boy or girl to present this information, to someone that the world would listen to, and not fear. People, as Great Grand Daddy knew, had a way of acting aggressively and even violently, when in fear or, when confused or threatened. Tiffany was someone who was already loving and malleable. She would be a perfect carrier.
Tiffany drew in a deep breath of the heavy tangerine scent and felt the magic fill her lungs while flowing through her entire being, waking and electrifying her - circulating through her veins, through her entire body, mind and spirit. She thought to herself that she was ready for anything now, and especially ready to meet her newest teacher. She couldn’t wait to learn whatever he could or would share with her. She was so sick of regular school at this point. But, what would he say - she say? How would they start?
Who was this gentleman anyway and more, how would she explain? Explain that is, that she was now communicating with a Dragon. Oh yes, this was going to be rich. Just describing the way he looked to her mother and her friends would be enough for them to throw her into a very tight place of safe keeping - for quite awhile too. In other words, they’d think most possibly, that she had lost her mind. Who would ever believe her unless she could transport them to this place with her? Her self doubt brewing....
Just then, as if on cue, Great Grand Daddy Cedric Lucas addressed her with a very chivalrous bow. He tipped his purple plumed hat saying,
“Welcome dearest young one to The Cuddlebee Estates, Home of The Most Extraordinary Happenings.”
”Holy cow.......”
Tiffany was now completely drawn in. She found Great Grand Daddy’s dramatic air most polite and greatly appealing. He had a very old and elegant way about him, a way that was no more. It was common hundreds of years ago, perhaps, but not now. She immediately wanted to know more about this new exciting and eccentric fellow. He spoke with a thick British accent, extremely articulate and exact. He then very nobly yet gently introduced himself as;
"Sir Cedric Lucas Counterberry Cuddlebee, Great Granddaddy of the northern most region (or reaches) of the ancient dragon clan world. We have been brought together by destiny."
Tiffany almost had to pick her jaw up off the floor. He then asked her,
"Do you remember how you arrived at this most magnificent location today, or, more exactly, by what means?"
He also asked her if she remembered how she’d traveled from the toy store to where she was now - the Cuddlebee Estates. Tiffany was just a little foggy at first, but very quickly, the entire experience was clear as a bell - and incredibly unbelievable.
She then recanted, “I’d been playing... and then become suddenly sleepy. I, I found myself flying through the clouds - and as my dress turned into a parachute, I descended upon a roof top.” “There’s a lot more that I remember as well ...but, well ... I certainly don’t understand as to how I was able to do it...” “Wow!” A smile of disbelief and a head shake followed. As though rattling her head around would make the answer more believable.
The kind old gent looked at her compassionately, nodded his head up and down in acknowledgement, released a gentle sigh, (accompanied by an understanding giggle and a smile) and said, “Ah yes”. A great amount of air escaped from his nose setting off a small blaze. He then confusedly, cleared his throat and wiped his nose with an ice cube miraculously wrapped in a handkerchief.
At this point, his tiny, all knowing smile turned up the corners of his mouth, just below his long beaked nose. His kindly brow also wrinkled up in a concerned way. He knew what she was up against, and it was hard challenging one’s beliefs. He remembered well, back to a time when he was young and had first been teleported by his imagination, he too, was concerned as to how his reality had been challenged & changed and forever, therefore, he understood her confusion. This would prove to be a time of starting over for Tiffany; of being reborn - as she would soon find out.
Tiffany looked at Grand Daddy Cedric Lucas and saw his millions of dry, drooping and actually “hanging,” rugged scales. She just knew that he must have been around for thousands of years. He had to have been. His leathery hide bore the appearance of having seen everything; many seasons of war as well as peace, harsh winters and scorching summers - especially in comparison to her young, soft glowing skin - and she could sense that of course once again, Cedric Lucas knew what she was thinking......
Tiffany was very bright and all of 10 years old. She had already experienced more than anyone her age should have, having grown up without a father - or at least one that was really “present” in the dark and dense city in which she lived. Her father had been very sick for years. This forced her mother to take on both roles in her family --- that of mother and father. Her mom, Evelyn, had to be a strong and sturdy leader - like a father was ultimately supposed to be, and yet, delicate, nurturing and gentle as a mother, someone that would teach her the softer and more compassionate side of life. This was quite a difficult balancing act, but her mom was always teaching Tiffany a great deal simply by living, by being a terrific example of an aware and caring human being. This of course didn’t take magic or potions or anything like that, simply dedication to her daughter, and a concerned consistency.
Tiffany was experiencing a time in the world that was insistent on expressing aggression. She didn’t understand why, but was certain that many people, perhaps even everybody, was running around angry and yet seemingly fearful or scared of one another. Tiff wondered if the emotions of fear and anger came from the same place.
They certainly seemed to carry very similar, if not the same results. Students in her school and people at large in her city were constantly arguing and attempting to hurt one another either physically or emotionally, regularly being at odds. What was happening? Why were there so many people that were so angry and willing to kill or hurt one another and ruin all things that represented anything sacred? It was a mystery. Anger and fear, the very things that had confined her father for years, currently seemed to be the most acknowledged operating mechanisms in the world. And all that they created were massive amounts of chaos and destruction. War. Greed, she heard, was driving it all and Tiffany was still trying to understand what had happened in New York just a few years ago.....
Tiffany lived in one of the darker & scarier brick apartment buildings in Seattle, where it seemed to rain a little bit, or a lot, almost everyday. Her building was not as well cared for as her mother and grandmother would have liked, but inside their apartment it was clean, warm, and it was home. Plus, it had huge windows in the front. Granted, they overlooked a busy street, but just beyond the street and the row of roof tops she could see the ocean! It was beautiful, huge and blue. She could see everywhere and there were times that she was lucky enough to see orcas! They were incredibly powerful and graceful, these wolves of the sea........ She also watched the huge waves pounding against the seawall during the months of winter and spring. Tall spouts of water would spray up and over the road and bridges giving all who were gathered a salty shower. So, whatever was unsavory about the building in which she lived, was certainly made up for by the view and the access she had to the ocean.
While staring out the window and waiting to find out what was going to happen next, and in a contemplative mood, she wondered to herself, “where were all of the true heroes of the world?” She didn’t really know why this thought came up, but it did. Maybe it was the News; maybe it was just the media in general telling her to worship the latest pop and sports stars. “Where were the Abraham Lincoln’s, the Mahatma Gandhi’s and the Martin Luther Kings that she had learned about in school? How about the Mozart’s, Beethoven’s and DaVinci’s of the world?” She muttered. Her kitty meowed back to her almost as though in acknowledgement. These kinds of people had to be somewhere, she thought, they just had to.
She desperately needed someone that she could truly look up to. So did all of the kids that she knew. True, she had her mother - but was her mother truly a heroic figure? Could her mother’s face be on a postage stamp? How about Grandma’s?
What about someone bigger than life, bigger than all of the bad things that happen? Someone or something, that could lead people away from greed and selfishness and such - away from all of the fearful, insane destruction. She needed someone, someone who could explain what and why so many scary things had happened, and were still continuing to happen. Did someone or something like that really exist? She’d learned of Joseph Campbell and all of his interest in the reasons people did what they did, and thought what they thought by her mom and Grandma Iris. They talked about him all of the time. He was supposed to be a great explainer. Where was he when she needed someone to sort out all of these levels of confusion and what her mom had just come to call plain nonsense and craziness?
Speaking of more curious folk, where was Sir Cedric Lucas now? Counterberry Cuddlebee Extraordinaire? She started to feel a little cranky again and found herself doing what her mom and grandma asked her not to do - kick at the floor and scrape her heels trying to make squeak sounds. It would have been all right, but Tiffany always insisted on wearing shoes that had black soles that would, end up leaving miserable, and almost impossible to remove black skid marks on the floor. After all, it was better than leaving skid marks in the toilet bowl, like she saw in some of the public restrooms on a regular basis! Yuck!!!!
While waiting for Sir Cedric, Tiffany got to thinking about her poor Daddy again and how he was barely lift himself out of his chair these days. He was in a very sad state. Most of the time she tried to ignore it, but it was getting harder and harder. For too many years he’d convinced himself of not being happy and let all kinds of negative thinking intoxicate his mind. It was as though he were under some kind of dark spell. Whenever he could, he found something wrong with people and the world and then explained away that that’s what made him what he was today; miserable - unable to believe in any of the good that still existed in the world.
He was inactive and very sickly due to his unhappiness. His heart had been broken too many times due to the pressures of the world. All he could do anymore was cry and bitterly complain. He’d given up any hope of a happy or changed world. Tiff knew this, and she felt so helpless in her inability to cheer him. Somewhere along the way he’d just lost the desire to keep trying - anything. In spite of all of this, Tiffany and her mother loved him very much. They remembered a day when he wasn’t like this at all - a day when he was creative, joyous and exceedingly brilliant. Her mother had told her that in fact at one time, Daddy had been so candidly charming, that he had charmed a snake right out of its skin! Tiffany didn’t know what she meant by that, and was trying to imagine what that might look like, and better yet, why he would do it..... She did however “get” the fact that it was quite an exceptional achievement. For now, Tiffany and her mom just accepted Daddy the way he was, even though he was seemingly, endlessly unhappy. They did however, have hope that one day he or some thing, would be able to break this spell and he would become himself again.
And even if that never happened, they knew that the world was beautiful in spite of its troubles. Sometime Tiffany thought that she could see the color of dark, muddy green just sort of floating around him. She liked this color in army pants, but not surrounding her daddy. Sometimes he even had this sort of sulfur smell around him too...... This didn’t make her want to get too terribly close to him.
While standing in the center of Great Grand Daddy Cedric’s living room, Tiffany looked briefly into the great big standing mirror and momentarily glimpsed an image of herself. Was this really her? Beautiful soft blonde wavy hair cascading down past her shoulders, largely looping into curls.... almond like blue-green eyes; maybe even slightly gray.... with sweeping butterfly lashes the color of coal. Tall, strong and confident was her frame. A light splashing of freckles fell across her nose, hinting at her fire within (in Chinese medicine), and her cheeks were as bright as cherries. Had she always looked like this? She wondered. She also noticed that although Cedric’s skin was old and worn, his cheeks were as pink as hers, and his eyes twice as bright. He had a twinkling and energy in his eyes that could not be gauged by time. With his mind always working, he was thoughtful, playful and very much alert and alive.
Where was that rascal now? Regardless of how she got into the room, she was here now, so now what!? She had so many questions to ask and all Cedric wanted to do was play games! He kept calling out her name “Miss Tiffany,… Miss Tiffany!” And then, vanishing in the next instant, completely turning her thoughts upside down!
And then again, “Tiffany!” from the ceiling and “Tiffany!” from behind the suit of armor.
“Wee-one, yoo-hoo!” From behind the humidifying pipe-organ time machine.
She had no idea where he went, or where to begin looking for him because he moved so swiftly from one place to the next, seemingly in seconds flat. One thing that she did notice however after a period of time was that every time he left, she started to get a tiny little “inkling” or perhaps a “hint” as to where he might be hiding next. He managed to duck under and behind chairs, go completely flat and slip under a carpet. He even wrapped himself around a lamp shade - and completely blended in to the design on the long slender stand as well as the design on the cover! All of this was accomplished right under her nose and she never, even saw him move! He simply vanished or “became one” with whatever he chose. He also seemed to become nearly transparent, sort of like an apparition and then sometimes appeared like smoke.
After all of this hide and seek, she was beginning to notice something in herself every time he disappeared. She noticed that if she listened to an inner prompting of information, her intuition - something that was sort of inside her head, her heart and in her stomach, she started to have sort of an inner “knowing.” As she started listening to this “voice,” it started to guide her, and as a result, she knew exactly where to look and find him. What was funny was that she really didn’t want to believe this inner voice or self because somehow it seemed strange or maybe even a little freaky to her.
She started to beat him at his own game and when this happened several times in a row, Great Granddaddy stopped and was quite pleased with Tiffy’s abilities. When she thought for a moment, she realized that there were many things that she knew without having specific knowledge or an explanation. She almost always knew for instance, when she was going to receive mail or get a phone call from someone special. Like the time that she’d been thinking about her favorite cousin and she’d been worried about her, her cousin called. Grandma Iris called these types of happenings “premonitions.” Tiffany thought that it was kind of a funny term, but then she thought a lot of what grandma thought and did was kind of funny. After this, she became a little more comfortable with the whole situation and actually started to tire of Cedric Lucas' antics and wished that he would just stop playing and state his business.
Within the next second, her thoughts changed and there she was looking into the mirror again. She began admiring the dress that Evelyn and Iris had made for her. Not only had it turned into a parachute at just the right time and saved her from a fall that could have been disastrous, but it also didn’t hold any stains from the pudding that she had licked off earlier! She wondered if Cedric Lucas knew the details about this too. Her dress still looked nice and fresh, in fact unstoppable - this was amazing and miraculous in itself.
Then all of a sudden, while Cedric Lucas was still hiding from her, she remembered another piece of her adventure, as to how she came upon the toy store and the purple plumed reptilian phantom - she’d been flying! That’s how this whole thing started, or almost.... She imagined that her dress had become a parachute and that she’d landed on the roof of an incredible toy store, with a magic slide down to its entrance. She’d imagined the multi-colored worms, the toy store, Cedric, the luscious smells everything. “So,” she thought to herself, “why stop there?!” After all, in spite of being bored that day, she’d created this world, an entire universe! How wonderful was that? She’d imagined that she’d been transported by the flick of a talon attached to an ancient living, breathing - let alone talking, upright reptile and some purple powder, to the center of the room in which she was standing now! That was it! She only had to think it, or imagine it, in order for it to be! She couldn’t wait to tell somebody, anybody - but then who’d believe her? Hmmm.......
To daydream, to drift, to imagine - wow, that must be the answer to almost everything.... Then she thought about it some more and realized that the only thing that stopped or created her, or anybody from anything in their lives was their thinking. Or maybe even their not thinking, or thinking stuff that didn’t help her or anyone else to get what they wanted..... In other words, as of this very instant, she could tell for sure that she needed to think about what she wanted, and not about what she didn’t want!
Many times she had caught herself thinking that she could not do something before she’d even tried. She also realized that there had to be a reason for it. What popped into her mind immediately was fear. She must not allow fear to do this to her; to stop her from attempting anything new, different and possibly scary. Fear that she would fail, or maybe even succeed...... If she did succeed in something, this meant that she would have to change something in her world. That could be scary too! But what was fear anyway? Other than just another thought... In all but a few moments, she realized that it was within her, and within everybody - to either visualize or think about the good or the not so good. Until this very moment she never knew how crippling fear could be - and not just to kids! It was a choice, now she knew. And, to take that one step further - she now knew that she truly had the ability to transform her life. There wasn’t anything or anybody that she could control, but she could control how and what she thought about. Oh, now this was making sense. In other words, to take it a step further, if she kept doing what she was doing, she would keep getting what she already had, and if it wasn’t what she wanted, then she had better try something else! Boy, now that was easy!
It also came to mind that if she tried to be the best person that she could be, that she wouldn’t have to demand it of others. She would just know that because she felt good inside, this was all she truly needed. And, that if she was really neat to herself and respected herself, others would most likely be really neat to her and respect her too. Even though she was young, Tiffany understood how important it was to be a gentle, polite human. She’d been to plenty of places in the past and had seen both children and adults behaving badly. Something particularly dreadful came to mind regarding some young adults she had witnessed, who had refused to help an elderly woman at the market, and in fact, went out of their way to be rude and disrespectful to her.
The frail woman was having a difficult time walking with her cart out to the parking lot. It turned out that not only was this person frail, but she couldn’t see very well either. Therefore, it was no wonder that she didn’t drive or have a car, let alone, have a ride home from the market. Not expecting anything from anybody, including harassment, (especially from someone that she didn’t know), these young people went out of their way to shout at her and threaten her with bodily harm unless she hurried up and got out of their way. According to these young people, she was just asking too much of their precious time. They started teasing her; calling her names. With super exaggerated physical antics, they squawked horrible things like “you old, useless scrap of meat!” “You’re nothing but a drain on society. Why don’t you go ahead and hurry up and die, in fact, how about a little help you old hag!” And this was far from the most vulgar of the phrases. Witnessing this pained Tiffany to the core. How could this happen? How could these young people feel like this? It made absolutely no sense.
So she wondered this; why did Great Granddaddy come to her? Was it because she could understand such simple concepts as gentility? She certainly had questions now. Would she continue on as in her dream? Especially, since she could create nearly all things that came to her mind. What if she was never to wake? What would happen then? Would she always have what she wanted if she were good?
After thinking so deeply for awhile, Tiffany wore herself out, so she made a decision and she changed what she was thinking about! From tough stuff to flying lizards and unicorns - uh oh! Here they were, coming right at her! She had to dodge to the left and then like a rabbit diving into a rabbit hole, leap forward and down, diving to the ground just like the swallows that she’d seen earlier in the day. Whew, maybe now she was safe. Thank heaven, for now she was out of the way. Now she needed to think about something really peaceful and calm, something that wouldn’t jump at her, drown her or carry her off somewhere. Something quiet, soft and...... Her mind raced off again. She began to think that she just may want a pair of mohair stockings in shocking fuchsia, with a short boiled wool jacket of the same color - with lime green and purple spots of course. Poof! “Oh my gosh!!!” There they were, and there she was - wearing these incredibly fun and totally matching new things. Oh yes, this was going to be her new thing now, creating fun clothes! She wondered if she would be able to create things from her memory and bring them into her “real world” to where her mom & dad and all of her friends lived. “Oh, yes, yes, yes!!!” Wouldn’t that be wonderful if she could? Well, at least her ability to create a wardrobe for herself was now confirmed. She would never have to wear the same old things, day after day again! She started making up all kinds of combinations. Stocking caps made of socks with real rabbits - and their tails for pom-poms, still alive or course! Tutu’s of lime green with bright pink and yellow stars, with the most beautiful yellow satin ballet slippers imaginable. And oh how she loved the hot orange tights and leotard that simply finished off the outfit making it divine!
She wondered if she could create some new clothes for her mom and grandma too. She would so love it if her mother would never again wear those tight- ankled, pear- shaped bumpy pants. The ones that made her wiggle like jello, and look twice as lumpy. She often wondered why her mother would want to wear things that made her lower half look like she had moon craters. They were bright turquoise too. Everybody knew when her mom was coming. Tiffany shuddered at the thought of those old pants. “Maybe Mom would look good in fuchsia too...perhaps even her pet Wolf, and cat.....” poof! There they all were! Well, according to Tiffany, everybody would be fabulous in fuchsia!
She visualized grandma’s skin colored stockings and how she rolled them down around her ankles when she wore pants, and just below her knee while wearing a skirt. Yes, it was scary. Even if the skirt was at or above the knee, grandma wore her stockings at the same place - tight as a tourniquet! And, on top of it she had bad circulation. But oh, that wasn’t enough - she then had to tie them off in a knot so that they wouldn’t fall down. Ugh. Nude to tan lumps of stocking flesh attached to her knees and ankles. She could go a very long time and be happy not having to see that for awhile.... In fact upon this thought, her eyes rolled up in the backs of their sockets. There were so many things that needed addressing, or in this case “redressing.” She was going to be a very busy young lady. She was going wild now, thinking about how she was going to change just about everybody and everything that she didn’t like or agree with.... Then she had another thought..... She could make only her favorite foods available everywhere. No more eating stuff or even seeing stuff that she didn’t like. It would simply be gone, not exist - be eliminated. What a simple, to the point, process.
Maybe with some practice she would be able to show others how to do this too.... Would everything come this easily or would it come slowly, gradually? She didn’t have the slightest clue. And was this really happening at all or was this just a dream?
She delved into her own world a little more again and thought “Uh oh, what if they or everybody else wants something different than what I want?” And if she taught people how to do it; this visualization process, they must want what she wanted – right?. After all, wouldn’t they owe their incredible gift to her and want to please her? “Uh, oh.......” This could definitely create a problem.....she thought......
Regardless, being a bit on the willful side, she fully plunged into visual memories of pictures that she’d seen of the great forests and mountains of the world in books and magazines. When she saw them in her mind, she saw them as full, rich and abundant. There were lots of thick, tall trees and plenty of meadows and caves and such that made safe habitats for all kinds of wild life. There were tall hills and giant mountains with cornices and vista points. Everywhere that had been strip-mined and plundered for resources, she saw fully restored to its’ natural health, state and beauty.
She visualized bodies of water; oceans, rivers, lakes and streams. She saw them as being pure, clean and bubbling. She visualized them full of fish and turtles and salamanders and stuff, and, they had in and around them every kind of water fowl and crawly creature imaginable. She now knew that If she could see them in her mind, she could make them real - at least in her world and for now, and heal them if they were sick! She was so anxious to test her new gift and abilities. She could even help animals and people everywhere from illness and perhaps more than that - from extinction! Once again the question came up of, “Where will I begin?” She plopped herself down with a big splat onto one of Sir Cedric’s many ottomans. She wasn’t looking where she was going and lo and behold, sat directly on Sir Cedric’s head with a huge thud. “Holy cow!” She gasped. He had turned himself into a piece of furniture right under her nose, and she didn’t even see it. Here she had just been priding herself on her incredible intuitive abilities - an anomaly - she was, however, she managed to miss the more than obvious, amazing, absolutely amazing. She had kind of sensed it, well, sort of - (his where- abouts). That’s kind of why she sat where she sat, but somehow that doesn’t seem very honest now does it? Plus, simply put, she sure wasn’t being very careful. Cedric’s shoulders gave way under the weight and they both plummeted to the ground and were in a pile on the floor. Both, were just a little surprised! Tricks were looming and crooning around every corner!
It was interesting that she managed to jump from determined to doubting in the period of about 5 seconds. Tiffany had been ecstatic over her possibilities but now she had changed completely and had some mighty heavy things on her mind. Instead of wanting to change everything in the world at the drop of a hat, she began to think a little bit past the immediate moment and started to feel responsible for healing those creatures, people and things - that as of yet, could not heal or help themselves, but, she too was just learning. Of doing good things for everybody and everything (except for those really jerky, snotty “have everything” girls/kids - the girls who constantly gave her grief at school and made fun of her for being such a weirdo, or as her grandma would say, “an individual.”) Yes, she certainly felt fortunate to have discovered this gift of “sight”, but she could already tell that it could be a very heavy burden as well. She sighed to herself as Cedric moaned and rubbed his hand over his shoulders and on down to his lower back, just above his tail. His glasses were all katty-wampus on his snout and he was just a little dazed, however still smiling. He did however realize that he had better to get to work fast. His “subject” was coming into all of this information much too quickly and without guidance. And she was ready to take action, stop taking action, laughing and crying all at the same time. This was way too much for her to try and sort out all alone at 10 years old. So, he gathered himself up, put his glasses squarely back onto his beak, straightened out his gallant hat and took a seat at the head of the round table.
One of the first things that he said to her was that she must know that she alone was not responsible for the world. The world had been around quite awhile before she ever came along and would probably last long after she was gone. All she had to do was take care of herself, and be the best living example (of humanity) that she could possibly be. That meant everything from keeping her room clean, to feeding and watering her wolves, cats and turtles, to taking out the trash. She also needed to be responsible for doing her own school work, not copying from somebody else or letting somebody else copy hers, and in general, just do the right thing - in front of others and outside of their view. In other words, she needed to be honest, kind and thoughtful - whether she was in front of anybody or not. She also needed to confront her friends when they were doing wrong, not in a mean way, but in a way that she would like to be confronted if she were doing something that she wasn’t supposed to do.
What he really tried emphasizing was that she needed to visualize good things happening in the world and in her life, and not just getting her way - but the best possible situation for all involved so that she would carry hope and be a pillar of light, and not be a desperately sad spirit of bewilderment. More than anything now, the world needed hope and love. It needed laughter and joy. We had all become so serious and dishonest at the same time - the whole world! This unhappiness and lawlessness happened to every civilization when it had lost its' way. This Great Grand Daddy knew. He’d seen it many times over and was determined to help turn the tide.
Selfishness and unhappiness not to mention distrust always preceded a major change or fall. He wanted to tell her this in hopes that she alone could start a chain of different reactions and attitudes amongst humanity. He so loved humans and felt for their plight. He wanted them to succeed and to be happy, but also to be in balance with nature and all of the universe. If he could just get Tiffany to promise to do her best in spite of everything around her, he knew that she could and would influence others into a whole new revolution of behaviors. Totally different kinds of actions would be able to be born, or actually “reborn”.
Great Grand Daddy emphasized just how important it was for her to have friends, friends that were positive and happy that liked to have fun. Tiffany’s idea of fun was to play games, go to movies and dress up and make things, and regarding friends, well, Tiff didn’t really have any friends her age at all. There weren’t any kids her age in her building at home and for some reason, she seemed to always end up identifying and spending time with adults. Tiffany had dreamt of having friends; she’d always wanted them, truthfully. Great Granddaddy knew this. He also knew that friends could be very different from ourselves, but still have some of the same values or beliefs. Tiffany was soon to learn more of this. Not everybody had to like the same stuff; our friends were not to be identical to us, but to compliment us and to share things in common. A friend was someone that could or would go places with and that also helped you feel better when you were sick or sad. A friend could lift up our world by making us laugh and poking fun at us so that we wouldn’t take ourselves or our world too seriously.
Friends were folks that played little jokes on us and teased us - in fun of course - but never in anger or jealousy. Friends help friends. Cedric Lucas imparted to her that everybody wouldn’t be happy all of the time, or even at the same - that wasn’t possible, because sometimes crummy things happened. People got sick; friends and animals died or moved away and created sadness - stuff like that. But he wanted her to know how important it was that she surround herself with strong positive people - people that shared this vision of truth, honesty, love, happiness and compassion and in spite of the bad times, would be committed to having good times again.
He could see Tiffany’s mind thinking away..... She had a lot to comprehend. She had her chin nestled into the palm of her hand, her eyes were all squinted looking up, as if she was seeing or visualizing what she was thinking. For a young one, she was in deep concentration. Great Grand Daddy knew that he had made a good choice in Tiffany. He also wanted her to think about the role of technology in the world now and its' use in the future. He wanted her to realize its amazing assisting abilities and yet its deficiencies as well. That although computers, satellites, rocket technology and different biological and mathematical calculations and computations were needed for growth and development - plus they were great tools for easing humanities drudgery, the “human” element or link to all living things must not be forgotten. If it was, we would become even more fragmented and less sensitive to one another’s needs, here, and in other worlds. We needed to be aware and in touch with one another so as to not become cold, impartial and judgmental - being able to dismiss one another’s needs. Very soon this inter-species crossover communication would come as would our ability to control the weather and much of the tectonic activity of our planet earth. These abilities were never to be taken lightly or used for weaponization. All of the dragon kingdom and the “others” needed her. They needed her to help them uphold the fellowship of all living dimensions and foster closer and better relationships. She was going to be helpful in the breaking down barriers, walls that separated us from one another - humans, plants and animals and energies alike. She was going to be a champion interplanetary Ambassador!
Upon the giving of this information the purple plumed reptile thought that it was now time for Tiffany to be introduced to some of his closest and most wonderful friends --- friends of great worldly influence.
He would begin with Great Grand Mama Lotus, his loving wife and best friend of several thousand years. Cedric was great at many things but one area where he lacked sensitivity was in the remembrance of sentimental dates - like that of his wedding day anniversary...... This is where Lotus came in. She had a terrific memory, and kept their calendar in check, especially for dates of personal importance. And, it was she who was responsible for all of the yummy, sweet smells emanating from the toy store. She actually had a marvelous kitchen there with a very interesting stove that was made from a tree trunk! It had to be lined of course with steel and insulated so that it wouldn’t burn up with the first touch of heat. Grandma was lovely and wore beautiful pastel colors. She also wore a crystal about her neck in the shape of a sphere, in pastel colors of the rainbow, it seemed to glow, pulsate, even radiate with every breath she took. She too, was extremely soft in nature and yet strong in spirit as well as colorful in language and appearance. She had been around many, many human lifetimes as well. She always loved having encounters with humans, especially young ones. She loved to leave an impression, but was not as flamboyant as her counterpart, Cedric. She was very grounded and earthy. Many came to her for comfort over the centuries and to taste her magical, mystical baked goods!
Grandma Lotus also had many abilities and Tiffany was about to witness one. As Grandma turned slightly to the left to pick up a lovely raspberry scone and offer it to Tiffany, her wings fluttered and left in their wake a soft beautiful sound of wind chimes, seashells and ocean breakers. Simultaneously, there was a golden aura - like gold glimmering and shimmering that was released upon the lifting of her wings. It turned out that she was basically able to recreate any sound in music and replicate any sound in nature while sending out healing, calming energy at the same time. She was a natural synthesizer. No wires, modems or hard drives here. Pure trust and knowing that she could do it, and that this was a part of who she was, that was all. She had many tricks up her apron.
Prior to actually introducing Tiffany to Cedric’s clan of friends and allies, Cedric thought it best that Tiffany get some rest. She was going to have to assimilate a lot of information in the coming hours and he wanted her in the best mental shape possible.
Tiffany was led to a huge velvet crimson chair that when sat upon, became a glove and enveloped her whole body. It was of the softest down and was infinitely comfortable and warm. Tiffany closed her eyes, stretched and yawned, then, nestled in. Within seconds, she was sound asleep. Her face was that of a porcelain saint and her body so still that one had to really look for a long time to notice the gentle liftings and fallings of her chest. But in her mind, she spun about like a top into a Dervish whirl, everything becoming a blur.
When she became aware of her surroundings, she had again been transported to another place, and to a deeper level. When all of this movement stopped as abruptly as it began, she became aware of a very cold draft. She heard sounds of clanging, and pounding, and footsteps walking, echoing along wooden floors that squeaked and creaked. She could see huge olive green velvet curtains blowing as though they were at the end of a wind tunnel, covering tall French windows that were broken. Through them, the wind shoved its’ way in from the outside, mercilessly ram-rodding itself through the leaded framework, slamming the heavy fabric whose bottom third twisted and curled in protest. The curtains must have been at least 9 ft. tall - taller than any curtain she had at her house. She’d seen curtains like these, but they were usually in movie theaters, old churches and even funeral homes. Unfortunately, she’d been to a funeral home recently upon the death of her great, great aunt Bethesda and had seen curtains that looked very much the same, only in deep burgundy. It was just not common to see curtains such as these in a home.
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Don't Take Myself Sooooooooooooooooooo Seriously!
or maybe not.......
Maybe it's just all about being honest in the moment, whatever and however honesty presents itself at any given time. Not everybody, likes everybody else's, honesty.
Sometimes living in the moment is scary - but we're present, we're a gift to ourselves.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Some of My Favorite Places in Oregon

Salem Creek - Vanduzer Corridor/Coast Hwy. from Salem to Lincoln City.
Minto Brown Island park - Salem, Oregon - Willamette River runs through this game reserve and running path area.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Chapter One:
The Epiphany of Tiffany E. Poh
By Susan Lowery/copyright 2004
Chapter One:
By Susan Lowery/copyright 2004
Chapter One:
Tiffany’s Sleepy Day
After 2 hours of putting together puzzles, redressing her dolls, painting rainbow pudding onto her new dress - and licking it off, Tiffany was bored. She’d already done most of the things that she liked to do and it wasn’t even noon. And even though she was tired, she didn’t want to take a nap, and she was getting crabbier by the minute but didn’t know why. She started to sulk, then to throw herself around. It seemed that she couldn’t control herself at all and worse yet, her horrible behavior felt good! She was having a temper tantrum of the highest order. After doing this for about an hour, she finally became very sleepy, much to her mother’s relief. But before she fell asleep, she dangled herself rather precariously by her knees over the back of the sofa. She looked up and imagined that the floor was the ceiling and that the light fixtures (also hanging down) were her tables. She thought about her feet touching the ceiling and about the ceiling becoming the floor. She always did look at her world a little differently. What a great time it would be to walk around on the ceiling upside down, right side up! She then closed her eyes and began day dreaming. As she did this, she could smell the orange-raspberry cake that Evelyn, her mom, was baking in the kitchen and could hear her whipping up the creamy vanilla frosting with the hand mixer. It was going to be glorious and she could hardly wait to sink her teeth into it tonight for dessert. This made her mouth water in delight.
While day dreaming, she thought how wonderful it would be, to be able to fly. She loved watching the birds outside soaring and then careening straight down from the wires to the ground, and then scooping up at the last second and shooting up to the sun. Oh, how she wanted to be able to do that.
Her mother had left the big windows open in the living room and the wind whipped and tumbled through the room, tousling her hair to and fro. She started to feel a warm, soft breeze against her cheek, and with her eyes closed, she could feel herself start to tumble through soft cotton like clouds, lulling herself to sleep. With this, she also started to experience the cool splash of tiny raindrops gently glazing her skin, and dampening her dress. Have you ever smelled the air after a summer’s rain? To Tiffany the smell was so fresh that it even smelled a little bit like vinegar! Soaring through the clouds, she was ecstatic and care free. She was also very happy to know that since she was flying - although she was daydreaming, she’d remembered to put play shorts on under her dress! Now she could do anything! At this, she turned up her nose to the sky, wrinkled it all up, and smiled toward the heavens.
The next thing she knew, she was doing every kind of loop-de-loop, spin and dive imaginable. As she caught up with the birds that she’d just been watching diving and careening here and there, she matched them with aerial spins and swoops.
"Try and catch me, round robin! Try and catch me blue, blue bird!" She shouted while her belly bubbled with laughter.
After half a day of this, she finally wore herself out and decided to let herself down to the ground.
"Hew!" She sighed. “I never knew flying would make me so tired and hungry."
Instantly, her dress became a brilliantly colored puff parachute filled with air. Slowly, it delivered her to the slate roof of a building. The roof had lots of bumpy places on it, so at first it was hard for her to keep her balance.
"Oh boy, luckily I have lots of bubble gum stuck on the bottoms of my shoes! Hopefully it’ll in turn help me stick to the roof!" She gloated. "And mom said that all my bubble gum did was make me look like a cow chewing her cud..... I sure wish she could see me now!" She had made quite a bit of a habit of talking to herself of late and yet continued on.
After she gave herself a little bit of time and a few deep breaths to gather her composure and balance, she got down on her hands and knees, crawled to the edge of the roof and looked over the side, to the ground. With the gum still sticking to her shoes, it stretched and stretched and yet, kept her securely attached to the shingles.
"I knew that I chewed Double Bubble for a reason!" she said aloud.
As she leaned out over the shingles, she could see earthworms that had been brought up by the rain from underground.
"Oh Grandma, where are you? I wish you were here! They’re wriggling around everywhere and they look just like live spaghetti!" "They're too amazing to be true."
"I, I think I even see one smiling!" "Oh my gosh - man!"....
Tiffany’s grandmother was her best friend. Tiffany didn’t have a lot of kids in her building, and grandma was goofier and more imaginative than most of them anyway.
Tiff could hardly take her eyes off of the worms. They were gooey and slimy, but they weren’t brown, like the ones that she was used to. They were all different colors. There were red ones, purple ones, blue ones, neon pink and even bright, bright green ones. Some even had sparkles and polka dots, checkerboards and even maybe some stripes!
She knew that she couldn’t be anywhere near her home because she had never seen anything like this before, and she was quite an adventurer. She wanted to touch the little earthly creatures, hold them in her hands and feel their wet and slimy, cool, ribbed skin slither across her palm in the worst way. She also knew that she couldn’t jump off of the rooftop, it was too high and she’d get hurt. And although she loved her bubble gum and knew that it was strong, she still couldn’t trust it to hold up under her weight as it was stretched to its capacity over the roof edge. After giving up on that idea, she looked a little further, and to her left, she found a big crystal like slide. It was so glittery and shiny. Not to mention it was in just the right place at the right time. It would be able to take her from the roof top, safely to the ground. Wow, as if everything else that had happened this afternoon wasn’t amazing enough, here now was this slide.
"Holy cow!" She exclaimed.
"It's got wacky blinking lights on its' sides, with billions of colors!"
"Well, maybe not billions, but there’s lots! They’re bright yellow, fuchsia, green, purple and red." "Wow! Even pinky-blue lights too?!"
"…And look, there’s fancy gold curly-cues - and powder white clouds covering its surface…"
Tiffany was really having trouble believing her eyes. She’d never seen anything like this, ever - even at the State Fair, let alone near her Seattle home. The slide had white fluffy feathered wings on the sides, at the very top, that fluttered. In fact, they tickled her cheeks and the tops of her hands as she climbed aboard, so much so, that she almost had to let go!
In fact, she thought that she may have heard them coo, too.
She couldn’t wait to test it out. She tore off her shoes but kept on her slippery socks (for more speed!) and jumped on the huge, slick, slide and whew, she was gone!
The lights were blinking, tinker bells were ringing, slide whistles blew, and the whole thing lit up like a giant pinball machine! It was so slippery and fast that it glistened from top to bottom just as proud as it could be. It even seemed to try to puff itself up more, by standing taller and straighter as she flew down its surface.
When she reached the bottom of the slide, she’d landed on a satiny soft, down pillow of emerald green. For a moment she just lay there looking up at the sky - and quietly became one with the bright blue universe. She then burst into laughter, which after awhile subsided into soft, gurgling, giggles. After that, she sat up like she’d been shot out of a cannon. Where was she? She then jumped off of the squishy satin pillow, bent over and knelt down immediately, picking up one of the gooey, brilliantly colored earthworms.
"Oooh, it’s wriggling, and wiggling like crazy, this little guy! He's wet and slimy too - It sure feels good!" "....wonder if they all feel this way or if they have different, lumps, bumps, ribs and stuff!" "They are all so cute!"..... “and ooey, gooey," she hoarsely whispered.
Her eyes trailed off to the many others gathered up together on the sidewalk and grass.
Next she held a couple of the rainbow striped and glittered ones up to her nose. Sure enough, the pair smelled just like rainbow sherbet! Pineapple, raspberry, lime and orange; all of these scents licked and tickled her nose! The worms were really cold like ice cream and left a sparkling rainbow trail on her palm, yum! She felt just a little bit strange licking her lips with these sweet little worms in her midst. Maybe she was actually scaring them. She hoped not. Nevertheless, she continued on and had managed to crawl quite a ways down the sidewalk and grass median. When she stopped and looked up, she was at the front door of the most incredible toy store she had ever seen.
There were dinosaurs, dragons and fairy dolls in the window! These were her favorite creatures (next to frogs, lizards and turtles - oh yes, worms too!) She saw musical instruments that played themselves, play camping tents that magically put themselves up and tore themselves down, hula hoops twirling madly, paint sets with paint brushes painting strokes in the air on invisible canvasses. There were construction kits - cranes and erector sets spinning around - everything. She could hardly believe her eyes – and, she was still only on the outside! What would it be like when she finally entered in?
She wanted to go inside in the worst way and run down every aisle to see what was there.
She was ready to start pulling things down off the shelves, and play madly with everything, all at the same time! So many things, so many possibilities. In fact, there was so much stuff, that it caused confusion. What to play with first? With so many possibilities, what would she choose?
Could she divide up her time and play a little with this, then a little with that? She was concerned that it could all evaporate at once so she’d better take advantage of a tremendous opportunity. All of this left her a bit bewildered, although this had only taken place in a period of moments, maybe even seconds.
Tiffany wasn’t used to so many things going so incredibly right, so she didn’t know what to think or what to do.
"So many choices..." She thought to herself.
For a moment she became pensive and bit her lip - and she hadn’t even found her way inside the store yet. Never mind, she knew that she had to be welcome there and that it must be open.
“I have to be able to go in." She forcefully stated and started to steam forward, head and shoulders first. She could fathom nothing else.
But, to add just one more element to all of the over stimulation, there was a splendiferous smell of vanilla and raspberry and it seemed to be emanating from absolutely everywhere. The same smell that came from her kitchen at home.
"There must be a kitchen around here somewhere," she thought out loud, with hundreds of raspberry-filled scones mounded on top of one another. Probably all topped with creamy vanilla icing, too.
"Oh boy!" She wondered if she thought this thought too loudly.
She could picture and taste them already --- mountains of them! These swell smells were making her terribly hungry. After all, she’d left on her adventure without having had her lunch and with the scent memory of her mother’s cake baking away in the kitchen. Now her stomach was starting to growl. The vanilla and raspberry smelled so good and so yummy that she thought she could taste it, which made her tummy rumble even more.
"Could anybody could hear it.... Was there anybody around?"
“Hello!!” She gruffly whispered, looking all around.
"Uh oh, I don't have any money... oh no.... hmmmm, will I need it? Well, maybe not. “Her growl and belly rumbles were so loud!
"Garb, garb, glub, glub, grrrrrrrrrr........" "Oh boy." If anybody was anywhere near, they would surely have heard that. But so far, she’d seen not one soul.
Tiffany looked all around the outside of the toy store as if on a magnificent Easter egg hunt. And in spite of not knowing where she was, it was very important for her to find out where the bakery was. It had to be nearby. She simply knew it.
She thought to herself,
"How strange that I can smell the smell, and almost taste the precious dessert, but I have no idea where it is!" "How can that be?"
There was truly no indication as to the scents place origin, its place of creation.
She was perplexed. She looked and looked, but she didn’t see anything around the back or the sides of the building that looked anything like a bakery. So, she very gingerly opened the door to the Toy Store, and poked her head inside.
"Oh my," she found herself saying in astonishment, talking to herself more and more as the moments wore on. Here, the wonderful scents were stronger yet! It all had to be here.
Aside from the swell smells, her senses had now gone completely into overdrive by the Jack in the Boxes that were opening and springing, cascading their wares off of the shelves, not to mention the Pixie mobiles that were dangling and spinning frantically from the ceiling.
Toys were everywhere - in every corner and on every shelf, and each one was more glorious than the last. She really couldn't believe her own eyes!
While gazing at the ceiling and all of its occupants, somehow, above it all, she could now hear beautiful bell like music around. Sort of like the raspberry scent that she’d been smelling, it managed to permeate everything, everywhere - but once again, she couldn’t tell where this sound was coming from either.
The music was clear and its tone round. It was as soft, warm and inviting as pink flannel sheets on a cool spring morning, twice as peaceful too. As crazy as it all seemed, she now felt really, really protected and safe. This really helped since she didn’t know where she was. While hearing the sweet sounds, she could feel herself becoming more and more calm and happy. The more music she heard, the happier and more content she became. In fact, she wasn’t in the least bit crabby, or tired now. She also began to feel more directed and connected to life’s good energy, her earlier chaotic and distracted feelings had perished.
Tiffany knew that she had entered a very special place and was ready now to experience anything that came her way. After all, had she not already flown here, and drifted down to the roof top by parachute dress, only to be welcomed by a magical slide that lit up and fluttered its wings as an invitation to her, begging her to careen down its face from the rooftop to the store front? What a grand and exquisite entrance!
"Fairy tale princesses could easily envy me now," she humored herself.
The music seemed to be pulling her, slightly tugging her from aisle to aisle, and directing her to look here and to look there. Finally, she stepped back outside to the big storefront window, the very place from which she’d started.
Shielding her eyes from the glare with her hand, her eyes landed on a most gallant and colorful creature, a dragon. He wasn’t just any dragon, he was green and yellow with three elegantly striped horns, on which sat a most elaborately plume adorned hat.
He was outfitted with a pair of swash-buckling pirate boots of forest green and a thoroughly dramatic striped silk scarf. A male Isadora Duncan - if you please. He was quite a sight to behold. Not only was he dressed like he was in the middle of a pirate movie, but he also wore extremely thick, coke-bottle-lens, glasses. After carefully observing his eccentric attire, and briefly looking away, Tiffany thought that she saw him from the corner of her eyes, actually point his talon at her and beckon her closer.
While day dreaming, she thought how wonderful it would be, to be able to fly. She loved watching the birds outside soaring and then careening straight down from the wires to the ground, and then scooping up at the last second and shooting up to the sun. Oh, how she wanted to be able to do that.
Her mother had left the big windows open in the living room and the wind whipped and tumbled through the room, tousling her hair to and fro. She started to feel a warm, soft breeze against her cheek, and with her eyes closed, she could feel herself start to tumble through soft cotton like clouds, lulling herself to sleep. With this, she also started to experience the cool splash of tiny raindrops gently glazing her skin, and dampening her dress. Have you ever smelled the air after a summer’s rain? To Tiffany the smell was so fresh that it even smelled a little bit like vinegar! Soaring through the clouds, she was ecstatic and care free. She was also very happy to know that since she was flying - although she was daydreaming, she’d remembered to put play shorts on under her dress! Now she could do anything! At this, she turned up her nose to the sky, wrinkled it all up, and smiled toward the heavens.
The next thing she knew, she was doing every kind of loop-de-loop, spin and dive imaginable. As she caught up with the birds that she’d just been watching diving and careening here and there, she matched them with aerial spins and swoops.
"Try and catch me, round robin! Try and catch me blue, blue bird!" She shouted while her belly bubbled with laughter.
After half a day of this, she finally wore herself out and decided to let herself down to the ground.
"Hew!" She sighed. “I never knew flying would make me so tired and hungry."
Instantly, her dress became a brilliantly colored puff parachute filled with air. Slowly, it delivered her to the slate roof of a building. The roof had lots of bumpy places on it, so at first it was hard for her to keep her balance.
"Oh boy, luckily I have lots of bubble gum stuck on the bottoms of my shoes! Hopefully it’ll in turn help me stick to the roof!" She gloated. "And mom said that all my bubble gum did was make me look like a cow chewing her cud..... I sure wish she could see me now!" She had made quite a bit of a habit of talking to herself of late and yet continued on.
After she gave herself a little bit of time and a few deep breaths to gather her composure and balance, she got down on her hands and knees, crawled to the edge of the roof and looked over the side, to the ground. With the gum still sticking to her shoes, it stretched and stretched and yet, kept her securely attached to the shingles.
"I knew that I chewed Double Bubble for a reason!" she said aloud.
As she leaned out over the shingles, she could see earthworms that had been brought up by the rain from underground.
"Oh Grandma, where are you? I wish you were here! They’re wriggling around everywhere and they look just like live spaghetti!" "They're too amazing to be true."
"I, I think I even see one smiling!" "Oh my gosh - man!"....
Tiffany’s grandmother was her best friend. Tiffany didn’t have a lot of kids in her building, and grandma was goofier and more imaginative than most of them anyway.
Tiff could hardly take her eyes off of the worms. They were gooey and slimy, but they weren’t brown, like the ones that she was used to. They were all different colors. There were red ones, purple ones, blue ones, neon pink and even bright, bright green ones. Some even had sparkles and polka dots, checkerboards and even maybe some stripes!
She knew that she couldn’t be anywhere near her home because she had never seen anything like this before, and she was quite an adventurer. She wanted to touch the little earthly creatures, hold them in her hands and feel their wet and slimy, cool, ribbed skin slither across her palm in the worst way. She also knew that she couldn’t jump off of the rooftop, it was too high and she’d get hurt. And although she loved her bubble gum and knew that it was strong, she still couldn’t trust it to hold up under her weight as it was stretched to its capacity over the roof edge. After giving up on that idea, she looked a little further, and to her left, she found a big crystal like slide. It was so glittery and shiny. Not to mention it was in just the right place at the right time. It would be able to take her from the roof top, safely to the ground. Wow, as if everything else that had happened this afternoon wasn’t amazing enough, here now was this slide.
"Holy cow!" She exclaimed.
"It's got wacky blinking lights on its' sides, with billions of colors!"
"Well, maybe not billions, but there’s lots! They’re bright yellow, fuchsia, green, purple and red." "Wow! Even pinky-blue lights too?!"
"…And look, there’s fancy gold curly-cues - and powder white clouds covering its surface…"
Tiffany was really having trouble believing her eyes. She’d never seen anything like this, ever - even at the State Fair, let alone near her Seattle home. The slide had white fluffy feathered wings on the sides, at the very top, that fluttered. In fact, they tickled her cheeks and the tops of her hands as she climbed aboard, so much so, that she almost had to let go!
In fact, she thought that she may have heard them coo, too.
She couldn’t wait to test it out. She tore off her shoes but kept on her slippery socks (for more speed!) and jumped on the huge, slick, slide and whew, she was gone!
The lights were blinking, tinker bells were ringing, slide whistles blew, and the whole thing lit up like a giant pinball machine! It was so slippery and fast that it glistened from top to bottom just as proud as it could be. It even seemed to try to puff itself up more, by standing taller and straighter as she flew down its surface.
When she reached the bottom of the slide, she’d landed on a satiny soft, down pillow of emerald green. For a moment she just lay there looking up at the sky - and quietly became one with the bright blue universe. She then burst into laughter, which after awhile subsided into soft, gurgling, giggles. After that, she sat up like she’d been shot out of a cannon. Where was she? She then jumped off of the squishy satin pillow, bent over and knelt down immediately, picking up one of the gooey, brilliantly colored earthworms.
"Oooh, it’s wriggling, and wiggling like crazy, this little guy! He's wet and slimy too - It sure feels good!" "....wonder if they all feel this way or if they have different, lumps, bumps, ribs and stuff!" "They are all so cute!"..... “and ooey, gooey," she hoarsely whispered.
Her eyes trailed off to the many others gathered up together on the sidewalk and grass.
Next she held a couple of the rainbow striped and glittered ones up to her nose. Sure enough, the pair smelled just like rainbow sherbet! Pineapple, raspberry, lime and orange; all of these scents licked and tickled her nose! The worms were really cold like ice cream and left a sparkling rainbow trail on her palm, yum! She felt just a little bit strange licking her lips with these sweet little worms in her midst. Maybe she was actually scaring them. She hoped not. Nevertheless, she continued on and had managed to crawl quite a ways down the sidewalk and grass median. When she stopped and looked up, she was at the front door of the most incredible toy store she had ever seen.
There were dinosaurs, dragons and fairy dolls in the window! These were her favorite creatures (next to frogs, lizards and turtles - oh yes, worms too!) She saw musical instruments that played themselves, play camping tents that magically put themselves up and tore themselves down, hula hoops twirling madly, paint sets with paint brushes painting strokes in the air on invisible canvasses. There were construction kits - cranes and erector sets spinning around - everything. She could hardly believe her eyes – and, she was still only on the outside! What would it be like when she finally entered in?
She wanted to go inside in the worst way and run down every aisle to see what was there.
She was ready to start pulling things down off the shelves, and play madly with everything, all at the same time! So many things, so many possibilities. In fact, there was so much stuff, that it caused confusion. What to play with first? With so many possibilities, what would she choose?
Could she divide up her time and play a little with this, then a little with that? She was concerned that it could all evaporate at once so she’d better take advantage of a tremendous opportunity. All of this left her a bit bewildered, although this had only taken place in a period of moments, maybe even seconds.
Tiffany wasn’t used to so many things going so incredibly right, so she didn’t know what to think or what to do.
"So many choices..." She thought to herself.
For a moment she became pensive and bit her lip - and she hadn’t even found her way inside the store yet. Never mind, she knew that she had to be welcome there and that it must be open.
“I have to be able to go in." She forcefully stated and started to steam forward, head and shoulders first. She could fathom nothing else.
But, to add just one more element to all of the over stimulation, there was a splendiferous smell of vanilla and raspberry and it seemed to be emanating from absolutely everywhere. The same smell that came from her kitchen at home.
"There must be a kitchen around here somewhere," she thought out loud, with hundreds of raspberry-filled scones mounded on top of one another. Probably all topped with creamy vanilla icing, too.
"Oh boy!" She wondered if she thought this thought too loudly.
She could picture and taste them already --- mountains of them! These swell smells were making her terribly hungry. After all, she’d left on her adventure without having had her lunch and with the scent memory of her mother’s cake baking away in the kitchen. Now her stomach was starting to growl. The vanilla and raspberry smelled so good and so yummy that she thought she could taste it, which made her tummy rumble even more.
"Could anybody could hear it.... Was there anybody around?"
“Hello!!” She gruffly whispered, looking all around.
"Uh oh, I don't have any money... oh no.... hmmmm, will I need it? Well, maybe not. “Her growl and belly rumbles were so loud!
"Garb, garb, glub, glub, grrrrrrrrrr........" "Oh boy." If anybody was anywhere near, they would surely have heard that. But so far, she’d seen not one soul.
Tiffany looked all around the outside of the toy store as if on a magnificent Easter egg hunt. And in spite of not knowing where she was, it was very important for her to find out where the bakery was. It had to be nearby. She simply knew it.
She thought to herself,
"How strange that I can smell the smell, and almost taste the precious dessert, but I have no idea where it is!" "How can that be?"
There was truly no indication as to the scents place origin, its place of creation.
She was perplexed. She looked and looked, but she didn’t see anything around the back or the sides of the building that looked anything like a bakery. So, she very gingerly opened the door to the Toy Store, and poked her head inside.
"Oh my," she found herself saying in astonishment, talking to herself more and more as the moments wore on. Here, the wonderful scents were stronger yet! It all had to be here.
Aside from the swell smells, her senses had now gone completely into overdrive by the Jack in the Boxes that were opening and springing, cascading their wares off of the shelves, not to mention the Pixie mobiles that were dangling and spinning frantically from the ceiling.
Toys were everywhere - in every corner and on every shelf, and each one was more glorious than the last. She really couldn't believe her own eyes!
While gazing at the ceiling and all of its occupants, somehow, above it all, she could now hear beautiful bell like music around. Sort of like the raspberry scent that she’d been smelling, it managed to permeate everything, everywhere - but once again, she couldn’t tell where this sound was coming from either.
The music was clear and its tone round. It was as soft, warm and inviting as pink flannel sheets on a cool spring morning, twice as peaceful too. As crazy as it all seemed, she now felt really, really protected and safe. This really helped since she didn’t know where she was. While hearing the sweet sounds, she could feel herself becoming more and more calm and happy. The more music she heard, the happier and more content she became. In fact, she wasn’t in the least bit crabby, or tired now. She also began to feel more directed and connected to life’s good energy, her earlier chaotic and distracted feelings had perished.
Tiffany knew that she had entered a very special place and was ready now to experience anything that came her way. After all, had she not already flown here, and drifted down to the roof top by parachute dress, only to be welcomed by a magical slide that lit up and fluttered its wings as an invitation to her, begging her to careen down its face from the rooftop to the store front? What a grand and exquisite entrance!
"Fairy tale princesses could easily envy me now," she humored herself.
The music seemed to be pulling her, slightly tugging her from aisle to aisle, and directing her to look here and to look there. Finally, she stepped back outside to the big storefront window, the very place from which she’d started.
Shielding her eyes from the glare with her hand, her eyes landed on a most gallant and colorful creature, a dragon. He wasn’t just any dragon, he was green and yellow with three elegantly striped horns, on which sat a most elaborately plume adorned hat.
He was outfitted with a pair of swash-buckling pirate boots of forest green and a thoroughly dramatic striped silk scarf. A male Isadora Duncan - if you please. He was quite a sight to behold. Not only was he dressed like he was in the middle of a pirate movie, but he also wore extremely thick, coke-bottle-lens, glasses. After carefully observing his eccentric attire, and briefly looking away, Tiffany thought that she saw him from the corner of her eyes, actually point his talon at her and beckon her closer.
Friday, July 10, 2009
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Here's a Way Cool Story. It's By Derek Sivers of CD BABY - Where you can of course purchase my CD. :)
I think it's very poignant. Especially in today's business climate - and - a way for us to remember that we just need to take a little action and believe a lot!!!!!
Love to All.
I think it's very poignant. Especially in today's business climate - and - a way for us to remember that we just need to take a little action and believe a lot!!!!!
Love to All.
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Friday, July 3, 2009
Happy Fourth of July!!!!!!!!!!
Crow Fly, Shoe Fly, Key Lime Pie
Susan Lowery © 7/2009
I know, you go, and everything’s hazy
But who cares, who knows - Love is crazy!
Crazy and blind and wild & free
Lazy as summertime rollin’ on me
In a world that makes some sense
There ain’t no time for pretense
It’s so intense, but so am I………………..
so fly high blackbird, fly so high
To the moon in the month of June
With a July chaser and a rockin’ chair tune
Screamin’ and flyin’ as fast as they can
Iraq baby, – Afganistan
Crow fly, shoe fly, key lime pie
Sometimes I’m scared of what’s on my mind
Crow fly, shoe fly & key lime pie
What the hell, might as well ask “why?”
Down in the desert sweatin’ with snakes
Crawlin’ on the ground with a bad belly ache
Too many cherries, too much pie
Too many hot dogs –
Susan Lowery © 7/2009
I know, you go, and everything’s hazy
But who cares, who knows - Love is crazy!
Crazy and blind and wild & free
Lazy as summertime rollin’ on me
In a world that makes some sense
There ain’t no time for pretense
It’s so intense, but so am I………………..
so fly high blackbird, fly so high
To the moon in the month of June
With a July chaser and a rockin’ chair tune
Screamin’ and flyin’ as fast as they can
Iraq baby, – Afganistan
Crow fly, shoe fly, key lime pie
Sometimes I’m scared of what’s on my mind
Crow fly, shoe fly & key lime pie
What the hell, might as well ask “why?”
Down in the desert sweatin’ with snakes
Crawlin’ on the ground with a bad belly ache
Too many cherries, too much pie
Too many hot dogs –
Monsoonal Morning
© 7/2009 Susan Lowery
It’s a beautiful monsoonal morning,
With the right amount of wet in the air.
All around the desert birds are crooning,
Unearthing breakfast like hunters at a snare.
© 7/2009 Susan Lowery
It’s a beautiful monsoonal morning,
With the right amount of wet in the air.
All around the desert birds are crooning,
Unearthing breakfast like hunters at a snare.
I heard the voices calling,
To wake up to the heat all around.
As the lightning lifted upward -
To wake up to the heat all around.
As the lightning lifted upward -
The heavy air dampened down.
It happens in an instant,
The thermals rise and fall -
It happens in an instant,
The thermals rise and fall -
- Wind direction changes,
Violently winter, spring, summer & fall….
Violently winter, spring, summer & fall….
It’s a land of stark survival,
Yet, where the rainbows thrive.
Yet, where the rainbows thrive.
Just west of the Sangre de Christos,
Vibrational enchantment is alive.
Vibrational enchantment is alive.
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Two Older Pieces Dug Out of the Closet.....
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