Thursday, May 28, 2009

A New Poem......................... plus, link to Wonderful Sharing....

Before Monsoon
Sue & Nikki 5/2009

Rolling gray, tumbling, blundering, devouring all across the plains
Over the petroglyphs, under rocks, and deadwood - through the humidity and timidity of the fields and desolate fauna, dried and dire and extracted, ripped and pulled, torn……..

She was pulling and tugging, tearing the devils’ lettuce, fiddle plant, scorpion weeds – beautiful, dangerous, noxious, poison pulled from the core of the mother – alongside healing sage and daisies and bugs beautiful and bold and ugly and sinful, stinging and nasty, mean and mein in spirit, with dust lifting and blowing and settling and flying – manically; waiting for the blessing to follow….

Pelting, falling, dripping, deluge, wanted and wanting – loving, nurturing, brutalizing and destroying, bringing buoyancy and demise – whichever the favor or folley…..

My ancient, arid and mysterious seabed.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Here Are My Friends Pattie & Dennis Taylor; They're Musicians Too! Plus, The Owl That Visited Their Yard.

Pattie sings opera & other styles as well, and Dennis plays guitar and sings contemporary music, they work together as an acoustic duo.
Here are photos of the "owl that came-a-visiting!" Pattie was able to take these pictures by patiently waiting on a lawnchair in their backyard. It was a windy day and as you can see, the owls' "horns" were quite a flutter! Cudos to Pattie for such great shots!
Dennis took the portrait of both he and Pattie.
The Taylor's live here in New Mexico, close to Dan & I.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

The Babies Are Growing!

It's about a week later and the babies are growing like mad.
They will be out of their nest before we know it!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Saturday, May 16th, 2009

Molly's Bar

"Atomic Balm"
Classic Rock

1:30 - 5:00 pm

546 State HWY 333
Tijeras NM 87059

505 281 9911

Price: Willingness to have fun!