Sunday, December 30, 2007
Sunday Afternoon Images
The Simplicity of Zen................
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Merry Christmas from our hearth to yours........
Sunday, December 23, 2007
Full Moon Rising
Saturday, December 22, 2007
Today's Mountain View...............
On our earlier walk today we saw, as Linda J. calls him, "Mr. Coyote." He was crossing the road from one field to another, no doubt looking for lunch. Afterall, it was just about 12:00 noon.
Just after that, while I was sitting on the computer in the studio, Ms. Hawk came flying overhead and it looked just like she was looking in my window! She's awesome.
Friday, December 21, 2007
Winter Witches of Years Passed
We are to have snow by nightfall, so goes our forecast. We hope we do. In light of the prediction, I thought it appropriate to uncover & unveil a couple of "Winter Witches" from times past. I hope that these little creatures inspire your curiosity and add a pinch of mysticism and magic into your day.
These two are painted with ink, watercolor and metallics onto rice paper - which acts very much like fabric. It soaks up the medium and feels like cloth.
Dan is in bed with the flu - the first of the season - and has been running a temp pretty consistently since Monday. We're hoping that this passes soon. Nikita seems to have a cold as well. We were expecting company from out of state for the holiday weekend, but had to reschedule due to his illness. So, stay well, drink lots of fluids, exercise to release tension and think plenty of positive and kind thoughts! My hope for you is to enjoy the holiday magic, quietly, peacefully and with deep gratitude. Peace, Love & Miracles.
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Last of Totem Animal Painting Phases........ painting complete

Friday, December 14, 2007
It's snowing!!!!
Updated Totem Animal Painting.........
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Leave Me Note Under any of the Comment Fields.....I Love Hearing From You!
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Totem Animals Painting Progressing.............
Monday, December 10, 2007
Progression of Painting.... after several days off....
But, here it is again (the painting) - with a couple of additions.
Life is like this. It's all a process and rarely do I finish things when I think I shoulda, woulda, coulda - know what I mean?
But that's why I'm here on earth, in earth school. I wake up, I breath, I learn. I am grateful. Thank you.
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
Howling Coyote Inn...........
It's chilly & Overcast Today.............
Sunday, December 2, 2007
The Drawing and Painting Process.....
Saturday, December 1, 2007
Beautiful Wolfish Weather Day.....

came across from California. As a result of the dramatic weather, we had absolutely beautiful skies out Albuquerque way today. As the sun was setting, it was incredible. I wish I'd had my camera while out walking with Nikita, but I didn't. The mountains were illuminated, shadows were thrown, everything that was already golden; like fields & homes, literally lit up. The clouds were amazing, fluffy on top, yet heavy and heaving - like bison on the prairie, moving together with forceful purpose, yet, highly unpredictable. I loved it. Payne's gray bottoms with illuminated upper regions of orange/gold and pink - exquisite.
By having our wolf-hybrid "Wolfie," we learned to call these times "Wolfish," as in wild and wolfish weather: whipping, whistling, strong, engaging. She used to hold her muzzle to wind for scents; eyes closed, then jump around, pouncing in celebration, doing her "wolf dance" with leaves and dust spinning. I miss her badly.
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
"All I Know"
Where do my prayers go, how about my thoughts? Where does all of time go? Beneath the fabric of illusion, that separating veil, incubate me like a cocoon in the strongest of threads so frail. All of what I know is paradox, flailing back and forth - to and fro. From light to dark and light again, to void, and then to “full.” All that is empty is truly filled by what is largest and small, in the theory of relativity, it is specific in e=mc square, I don’t understand anti matter, but I care. I am nothing and know nothing - yet, I am the total sum of all I know - in a universe of “yes and no” how can this be so?
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
"Meditative Prayer"

"Winter Ushers in Spring"
"Sister Magic"
"No Little Coyote, No!"
"Gest Patience"
"Divine Jags"
It too is done in watercolor, gouache & ink.

actually used to roam the southwest. This work has 3 jags - a number of divinity. It also has the lotus - representing the points of 1000 lights or enlightenment, praying hands for guidance & for the jags continuation, a planet implying their place in the universe, and a flying fish - which to me, represents the perfection.
Almost all of my artwork is symbolic, representing many different things, but my main concern in creating art is representing balance. Balance of nature & spirit. I attempt to bring attention to how delicate, fragile and precarious everything is - and how interdependent we are upon one another.
Monday, November 26, 2007
The Sandia Mountain Range
Holiday Over, snow gone - for now.............
Here's a little friend that was cold and hungry that came to dine over the holiday due to snow. He's a "Flicker" woodpecker.
He/she, was gorgeous and quite a character! He climbed up and down the trunk of the tree, climbing all over the bell made of suet and bird seed - and all over the bird seed house that you can't see which is located to the left. The seasons really bring to mind that change truly is a constant, and that no matter what we do, or how much we'd like things to stay the same - or - leave our mark on the the earth somehow - it just may not be. Mother nature does what she wants!
The Sandia's, the mountain range right behind our home, are of granite and are spectacular. They are just under 11,000 feet and are planted or driven into the ground 6 miles deep! The granite is so heavy that it actually sinks the mountains. It is said that if they were all above ground, they'd rival Mt. Everest. On a fault block rift, they are one of 5 of its' kind in the world. This whole alluvial valley called Albuquerque, was once ocean. There are all kinds of ancient marine fossils that are lodged in the Sandia's. The ocean level has risen and fallen a great many times over millions of years here, leaving the topography extremely powerful and mystical.
Who knew? We're just blessed to have the beautiful mountain range in our backyard...........